When my left eye became bloodshot a GP treated it as conjunctivitis. Intense pain
resulted in an early morning visit to Eye Casualty, where I was seen by a Triage Nurse.
I would advise anyone in excruciating pain to be selective regarding the information
they give at this stage. The pain was like toothache, I had to wait 4hrs to be seen
because I mentioned the GP and conjunctivitis. It was eventually diagnosed as being
a severe case of Iritis.
This has resulted in long term eye damage, causing double vision. Previously, I had
only reading glasses, now I need to wear glasses full time because a high grade prism
is built into the lense to give normal vision.
Sitting I've no problems to speak of, but walking around I feel my eyes are at odds
with the prism, the benefit I get from having it seems to be off set by the sensation
that balance is worse. So, I can either see, or balance!
Has anyone else had Iritis, if so has it resulted in any long term problems?