Has anyone found exercises useful for Ataxia - Ataxia UK
Has anyone found exercises useful for Ataxia

Exercise definately helps.my hubby goes to the gym weekly,g.p referral,carer go in free to assist.
see my question:
physiotherapy .medical gymnastics .physical therapy .remedial gymnastics
Which of these do you have ?
The exercises my physio has given me help a little with my back pain, but nothing seems to have helped with my Ataxia gait symptoms.
Exercise certainly helps. I do some dancing and I have bored everyone before, so here is a link
My good friend Kati, who has ataxia, and writes an excellent blog, is a great believer in forced exercise
Hope this helps.

Hi tedjohnson
I think exercise and physiotherapy is essential for people with ataxia. It is not a curative therapy but more about maximising the function you have. It is the physiotherapists's role to give a program of exercises that are suitable for the individual and to ensure those exercises are being carried out properly and safely. It is the patient's role to perform those exercises regularly and, if advised by the physiotherapist, to carry them out daily.
My own experience has been positive. It is important that the exercise you do is right for you and that is where I found the advice of a physiotherapist invaluable. Since doing regular exercise as recommended by a physiotherapist I have gone from being a 'high falls risk' to a 'medium falls risk'. I think not because my ataxia has improved per se, but thinking about the way I move translating into the way I actually do move has improved. I have been formally discharged from physiotherapy for the moment but know I will be referred back if necessary.
I continue with the exercises that were recommended for me (everyone is different) which, I feel, continue to be helpful. I have tried to incorporate them into my daily routine and try to make them as less boring as possible, for example by doing them to music.
Many thanks Harriet Most helpful Anyone with Ataxia will get encouraged by the
various comments given here.
Did you see the Paul O'grady show on ITV last night A black poodle had lost the
use of it's legs and the vet had to put her down because she had Cerebella
trouble so I told my wife that I wasn't going to take our dog to the vets as I may not
be allowed home !!!!! Keep smiling
Everybody i speak to (Dr's, physio's etc) have never heard of Ataxia, therefore i have never been refered to any exercise, but i started swimming after i was diagnosed 12 yrs ago and this year i started at my local Gym, it helps so much, not for the Ataxia as such, but just helps me feel better that i'm doing something and not just sitting in my wheelchair .
Had mild ataxia for over 20 years,exercise daily,my philosophy,No pain no gain.It works very well for me.
One reason we moved to our present house is because of the fabulous garden. We
looked forward to maintaining it ourselves, and also as a form of exercise. But, nowadays
I get very frustrated because the most basic tasks that I enjoyed, are almost beyond me,
because they involve either bending or reaching up! It's a good excuse on a sunny day!
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