Hi, i'm on facebook, feel free to seek me out, lets get to know each other guys ............
Who is on Facebook ? Anybody wanting a friend ? - Ataxia UK
Who is on Facebook ? Anybody wanting a friend ?

Hi Littlewheels
Thanks for your question. Do you have ataxia yourself?
Harriet (HarryB)
hi littlewheels, i too am on facebook, please feel free to add me -moira harris
hi hon, live in blackpool xxx
hiya littlewheels hope ur ok i live in wolverhampton with my disabled wife its like the blind leading the blind but we r there for each other
could i add you plz on facebook ty hun
Yes search Sharon Holding
ty sharon hun xxxx
hi littlewheels,
im on facebook you can add me raymond paul wiffen
i have only just been told that i have got spinocerebellar
ataxia type 2 ,
Hi littlewheels. Thanks for asking this question. Yes, I'm on FB and would love to meet up with my fellow 'Ataxians'. Search Cherry Day Worthing or a message to sussexdodo@facebook.com will find me. Looking forward to making some new friends. x x x