Only 2 more tips!
Many people have a lot of success with drugs but personally, I do not lie taking them.
A couple of years ago I started to suffer from bad muscle cramps and my neurologist suggested Baclofen. I tried this but it did not agree with me. The doctors suggested I try a smaller dose but I just did not like how I felt. I decided to try and research an alternative herbal treatment. I tried organic turmeric and was really surprised by the results. Most days I can get away with one in the morning and one at night. If it is bad day, one at midday normally does the trick,
I get them from here
Obviously it is a personal choice and I know a great many people who swear by other drugs but I thought I would give an alternative. If you are taking any other tablets or drugs, you must always be very careful because some can react badly. A good site I discovered to check things is
Hope turmeric works for you too if you want an alternative.