hi don it really has been bad to you I walk like a drunk man and I have to hold the rail walking up stairs get tired legs just walking short distances but we all need to stay strong hope and all that has this horrible ataxia the best what ever it may be stay strong
Millar 69: hi don it really has been bad to you I... - Ataxia UK
Millar 69
That's a nice message for Don. Don has been keeping us all interested with his posts over the years. I appear drunk as well and no-one except experts understand the pain that makes no sense at all to a normal person. Even recently after years of ataxia, my husband might still say that I just need to build the muscles up. Luckily some days I can walk a reasonable distance and then not again for a few days. Yesterday I went up the stairs and had to sit down, exhausted, it makes no sense to an observer, for some time, it made no sense to me. (Still doesn't really, but it happens.)
Thanks for reply its good to txt to people that understand not many people know what it is we have did you get the geno test done and if so what does it tell you
I showed no genetic ataxia genes.
Well i had à lumber puncture that gave à médical name to my Antakia ( thats like at least 6 years on FINALY )polyneuritis ..polyneuropathy ! Its OK i m still looking all that up ,it changes nothing there is no cure... thé neurologue said they could give me something for thé pains in my legs ....GABAPENTINE ..awful stuff for me i felt soo bad my legs was like cément..it was à relife when i stoped thé treatment i Just went back to my wobbly self..to be honest thé one and only thing that has realy helped is physio 1hr à week in à wonderful clinique, i was on the waiting list for months ..i dont pay its like included in thé Sécurité social médical système in France ..i ve now a handicap badge thats all very helpful ..luckily i can drive ...good luck apparemment there are 8 forms of Antakia ..i spoke to à gréât dr Who explained so well ..in fact even when someone is very drunk they have Antakia it affects that second brain...so if i ve got it right Antakia is à Syndrom and my case they now found thé cause ..its à battre Just dont give up xx
does anyone have the number for ataxia in Sheffield