I have no questions atm I want to rap but my voice has detorioted over the years but I can still write o want you guys to listen and tell me what you think.
One love to the people with health issues, one love to the people with wealth issues stop crying and forget tissues. To all our lost ones we all love you😭❤️. Shoutout to the people that are in their grave, such a shame that you couldn't be here today. Living life like you deserve in every way, your living on people's hearts so please stay. I believe, I believe that everyone's got stress, there's one point in life where you feel like there's nothing left but then you'll realise what you got ahead, keep fighting your loved ones are there to help, you can do it be strong believe in yourself.
Why is it just people doubt me? Your my family your supposed to help me! This ain't about me... This is about me. This is for you to see the future with me, watch me succeed. Is it guaranteed? No I have to roll deep no time to sleep. But I don't like to sleep when things are not complete. But life just goes on so you gotta hold on...
I know life is hard but you better keep going, theres no end so keep flowing.
I don't care if you rate me... And I don't give two fucks if you hate me.