hello my Ataxian friends, how are you all doing, ok I hope….. an update on myself.
I had cataracts removed from both eyes a couple of years ago, my vision now is amazing, and the colors are beautiful, but the new lenses are long distance only, you don’t get a choice, so I still wear glasses for reading and close body hobbies.
My mobility has become worse, I have changed my electric scooter for a powered wheelchair, but it cost me nothing, Because I am an RAF Veteran, the wheelchair is on permanant loan from the RAF benevolent fund…….. I walk around indoors, still holding onto furniture, door frames, walls etc….. but am inclined to walk indoor only when I need too.
I have a through the floor lift, from my dining room, up to the box room, that was paid for and installed by my local council….. they also changed my bathroom into a wet room with a walk in shower, with a wall fitted chair.
Although I have the symptoms for Ataxia, but not diagnosed, and a multitude of other ongoing medical problems, I remain upbeat and positive, still enjoy listening to all kinds of music(mostly60s music) reading, watching television, getting out and about as much as possible, having the odd pint at a local pub…….. life goes on, and I am determined to live life to the full as much as possible…… but above all of this, I have a loving wife who is also my unpaid carer….. be thankful if you have someone in your life who cares about you.
Wishing you all the best for the future.
Take care and stay safe.