Homéopathie : Homeopathic Remedies For... - Ataxia UK

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Homeopathic Remedies For AtaxiaAtaxia is a neurological condition in which the affected person exhibits a lack of voluntary coordination of muscles. The person suffering from Ataxia has a gait problem, including instability while walking or standing and the inability to maintain proper balance while moving. Ataxia mainly represents a defective functioning of cerebellum part of brain, which controls the coordination of movements. The causes behind Ataxia are brain tumour, cerebral palsy, it can be hereditary, multiple sclerosis, alcoholic abuse, deficiency of Vitamin B12 and stroke. Homeopathic remedies for Ataxia not only provide relief from symptoms, but also halt the progression of the disease. The long-term use of Homeopathic medicines, which are made from natural substances and are completely safe, results in the complete treat of Ataxia and extracts the disease from the root.

Symptoms of Ataxia

The main symptom of Ataxia is gait problems: instability while walking or standing, staggering gait, inability to maintain proper balance while walking or standing, stumbling while walking, frequent falls while walking and walking with a broad base. Another symptom of Ataxia is Dysphagia, which refers to a condition where a person has difficulty in swallowing and it may result in choking. Yet another symptom is Dysarthria, in which the person has difficulty in speech: tremor or jerking in speech, slurred speech (quick speech with gliding of words), slow speech or varied voice intensity. The other symptoms of Ataxia include blurred vision, double vision, difficulty in fine motor activities like writing, typing, buttoning the shirt and lastly,getting easily tired.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Ataxia

The Homeopathic system of medicine offers treatment for a variety of nervous disorders and Ataxia can be effectively treated with natural Homeopathic medicines. The selection of the ideal Homeopathic medicine is based on symptoms and the remedy prescription varies from case to case. The main aim behind Homeopathic treatment for ataxia is symptomatic relief and halting the progression of disease. The extraction of disease from the root is also possible and complete treat can be expected with the long-term use of Homeopathic medicines. However, the results vary from case to case. Usually persons who opt for Homeopathic treatment in the early stages have a good chance of complete recovery than the ones who report it at late stages.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Ataxia

Alumina: Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia with staggering gait and heaviness or numbness in legs

Alumina is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia. The main symptom that calls for its use is a staggering gait with heaviness or numbness of limbs. The person walks with uncertainty. The person can walk in daytime although in a staggering way but at night, he or she experiences a complete inability to walk. If he or she closes eyes, there is also a chance of falling down. Heaviness or numbness in lower limbs is often a symptom in such patients. They may also describe the symptom of a bandaged feeling in limbs while walking. Apart from walking, there is a problem in swallowing food too. The oesophagus feels constricted while swallowing at times with a feeling of a lump in throat. Excessive dry feeling in throat may also be present. The food passes down the oesophagus with great difficulty. And lastly, the symptoms of extreme exhaustion, fatigue and lack of strength are also presented by patients. The patients usually has an increased sensitivity to cold air.

Argentum Nitricum: Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia with unsteady gait and trembling of limbs

Argentum Nitricum is another top natural Homeopathic remedy with a marked action on the nervous system. Argentum Nitricum is a Homeopathic remedy of great help for Ataxia with a marked loss of balance while walking and standing, along with trembling. The patient lacks control over his limbs while walking and experiences trembling. Standing and walking postures are quite unsteady. The unsteadiness mostly gets worse when the person is not under any observation. The frequent complaint accompanying unsteadiness is a marked rigidity in the calf muscles of the legs while walking. The muscles of legs also seem very weak while walking or standing.

Causticum: Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia with unsteady walk and falling easily

Another wonderful natural Homeopathic remedy for Ataxia is Causticum. This Homeopathic medicine is mainly recommended in cases where the person feels unsteady while walking and has frequent falling episodes. The fall can be sideways or forward. Causticum is an excellent Homeopathic medicine with its sphere of action mainly centered on the nervous system. It can help to a great extent in preventing the falling tendency with an unsteady staggering gait. Apart from this, difficulty in articulation with an indistinct speech is also treated by Causticum.

Gelsemium: Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia with weakness of muscles and fatigue

Gelsemium is the natural Homeopathic remedy that is of great help when the loss of muscle control is accompanied by excessively weak muscles. There is utmost lack of muscle coordination and the muscles seem not to obey the will of the patient. The gait is slow and unsteady. The person also feels tired from doing even the slightest work. The patient shows hallmark symptoms of drowsiness, dullness and dizziness with an inability to coordinate muscular action. Another symptom is difficulty in speech with trembling of tongue.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Ataxia in the beginning stages

The natural Homeopathic medicines that are very beneficial in the very beginning stages of Ataxia are Belladona, Nux Vomica and Zincum Met. Belladona is the best Homeopathic remedy for a staggering, difficult and unsteady gait. The muscular coordination is lacking. The symptom that indicates the selection of Nux Vomica is that there is dragging of feet while walking, with an inability to lift the feet from ground. Nux Vomica is also the best Homeopathic medicine for Ataxia in alcoholics. Homepathic medicine Zincum Met is the ideal pick when trembling and jerking of limbs accompany the lack of muscle coordination. The feet may show restlessness. Zincum Met is also the best Homeopathic remedy when pain in limbs is dominantly present in patients of Ataxia in the beginning stages.

Lathyrus Sativus and Plumbum Met: Homeopathic remedies for Ataxia in advance cases

Natural Homeopathic medicine Lathyrus Sativus is the prescribed remedy for a tottering gait in Ataxia patients, who experience emaciation of muscles of lower limbs. Jerking and trembling while walking may also be symptoms described by the patient. There is also a marked rigidity of the legs while walking. Plumbum Met is the Homeopathic remedy when along with atrophied muscles of legs, there is pain in legs. Plumbum Met is also of great help for Ataxia with difficulty in raising or lifting anything with hands.

Heloderma: Homeopathic medicine for peculiar gait with high lifting of feet on walking

Natural Homeopathic medicine Heloderma is the best remedy for Ataxia patients who lift the feet higher than required while walking and bring them to the ground very hard. The patient may be extremely sensitive towards cold.

Phosphorus: Homeopathic medicine for eye complaints in patients with Ataxia

The various eye troubles faced by a person suffering from Ataxia are best covered by natural Homeopathic remedy Phosphorus. This Homeopathic medicine can help to relieve symptoms of dim vision, blurred vision and also double vision. Easy fatigue of eye muscles even from a little use is also treated with the use of Homeopathic remedy Phosporus.

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14 Replies
wobblybee profile image

🤔 Have you tried any of these Homeopathic Remedies yourself

7151 profile image
7151 in reply to wobblybee

Hello i ve just ordered Alumina... ..argentum Nitricum and Causticum all on dosage 30 C A very Nice lady at helious homéopathie pharmacie tunbridge wells uk said best to start with those take one of them morning and everning for à week or 2 to see how i feel then take another ect

To keep à noté book

When i get thé invoice she has written à homéopathie dr that she thought i could vidéo zoom

So i ll give it à go 🙂

Ps i ve à friend in Canada who has Ataxia and she is treating it with homéopathie

I live in France so i ll not recive thé remedys for à week .

isabelalfaiate profile image

Homeopathic remedies

I am taking all these I have three combinations which I got from the ataxia group in Brazil. I have been taking it for about 3 years (5 drops of each group in the morning and evening. I am 69, no swollowing difficulties, no tremors, no slurred speech or doubble vision. My balance is bad, but I think it would be worse without the homeopathic remedy. I would share these with Dr. Sharma if he is interested. The group in Brazil have researched it and came up with the three formulas. I have had some improvements eg. my handwriting (could not write at all in 2007 and now I have a good handwriting. I go to gym every day, other then the homeopathic remedies take no other medicine. The other day I mentioned to my neurologist that my right leg was sore, she gave me something to take in the evening, well after the first one I began to get a headache that never went away, the second night after the pill I could lo longer walk and he third one I choked and had swollowing difficulties. I decided to read the side effects and these were: headache, muscle relaxation and swolloing difficulties ( I had one problem and now I had three + the sore leg still) At least with the homepathic remedies I Have not experienced any side effects. Best wishes.

7151 profile image
7151 in reply to isabelalfaiate

Hi thankyou very much for your témoignage..well lets face it moderne med basicaly have nothing ! My GP just says hé dosent know ! My physio is learning with me thé neurologue promise me last time i saw her that they would find thé cause !!! My friend in Canada says thé homéopathie is realy helping What à battle soo we battle on ..take care

Rezzy66 profile image

This is very helpful and extensive information so a sincere thank you.

I’m in the US so not familiar with him. Please private message how to contact him. Well worth planning a trip to UK if that’s where he practices medicine.

7151 profile image
7151 in reply to Rezzy66

pharmacy@helios.co.ukI f you scrolling down you should find my reply

You can contact Helios

Very helpful

They are sending me some remedys and thé nameof à homéopathie dr that dose vidéo zoom ( telephoned them )

7151 profile image
7151 in reply to Rezzy66

+44 1892 537254This is the téléphone number

I chose what i thought could help me then spoke to à very helpful lady

She said it was best to just try à few and keep à noté book

Rezzy66 profile image
Rezzy66 in reply to 7151

Your information is priceless and so much appreciated. One gets the impression that other countries like the UK are doing a lot for the ataxia community, while the US seems to know nothing at all about this disease or is significantly lagging

Best wishes to you!

7151 profile image
7151 in reply to Rezzy66

To be honest i m still very much in thé dark ...i m in France any médical people i ve seen seem to all be in dark My friend in Canada is realy into holsic and homéopathie ..i ve just learned she also has Ataxia ..she says she is doing well with the homéopathie...well we have nothing to loose 🙂

Rezzy66 profile image
Rezzy66 in reply to 7151

At this point we all know what we have. Now it’s time to get to work! We can all use your information to try to fight this thing

Onward and Forward!

7151 profile image
7151 in reply to Rezzy66

Yes on ward and forwade , i know there are 8 forms of ataxia ! They still dont know which one i have thé neurologue think its thé celebrium ( not kean on thinking thé célèbre a is shrinkig ..but i feel very positive ..we wont let this beat us ( sorry about spelling mistakes ..its very early 6 am i had à very positive day yesterday ,did lots of shopping and managed very well ..then whilst going up to bed i feel forwade ..realy hurt my 2 knees .i sure nothing is broken luckily but realy hurts ..so dame it ..just when you think your doing so well and wolop Keep in toach ..keep fighting

Take care

7151 profile image

Hi i just lost my reply 😪facebook.com/HeliosPharmacy

My friend in Canada sent me this info ..i live in France so i dont know this dr ! But we have à realy good homéopathie pharmacie in uk Helios in tunbrige wells they deliver all over the world ,i phoned them thé other day a

And we chose together 3 remedys for me i m waiting for them to arrive .. i ll send you some other links

penelope2 profile image

Just to mention here as I have a friend who is a homeopath, that it is not as easy as 'finding a remedy'. At a consultation a homeopath will ask you lots of questions and look at the person as a whole, conditions as well as personality type and take many things into consideration before recommending a remedy.That said homeopathy is safe with usually no side effects of the remedies.

It is worth looking into the professional associations before choosing a reputable homeopath.

7151 profile image
7151 in reply to penelope2

Yes i know HELIOUS pharmacie has sent me a Web site to do a vidéo with à spécialiste homéopathie dr..

We have no homéopathie dr near me the last one has retired

Mind you my friend in Canada is à registered holstic expert ..

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