We are delighted that the FDA has approved Reata Pharmaceuticals' Omaveloxolone for the treatment of adults with Friedreich’s ataxia (FA) in the US. This is a huge step for the entire community, and we are so pleased that people living with FA in the US will soon have access to this treatment. See the press release by heading over to our website with more information and answers to many questions including what this means for people outside the US.
We were also pleased to hear that Reata submitted an application to the regulatory agency in Europe (the EMA) at the end of 2022, which includes Northern Ireland. For approval in Great Britain, Reata will have to apply to the MHRA. We will ensure the FA community in the UK is kept up-to-date with the latest developments. Sign up to our omav newsletter for updates: bit.ly/3YiUUAb
#ataxia #friedreichsataxia #ataxiaawareness