Has anybody heard of hyperbaric oxygen to help people with neurological conditions?
All double Dutch to me but that’s one of the problems with only having two brain cells 😊
Has anybody heard of hyperbaric oxygen to help people with neurological conditions?
All double Dutch to me but that’s one of the problems with only having two brain cells 😊
Aup Paul I hope your keeping as well as possible. I have had this type of pure oxygen treatment in the past for what was diagnosed as chronic cluster headaches unfortunately I didn’t get any relief but now been told I have SUNCT headache syndrome. Take care friend
Hi my husband has just start having sessions - I think is going for his third this week. He feels really good afterwards (or not so bad). The premise is that as the oxygen is under pressure the molecules are smaller so can penetrate the cells of tissues more easily. I don;t think there has been any research on this but the centre where he goes was on Sky news last week as they have found it also helps people with long covid as well as MS patients.
Some folk find it helps, but I can't for the life of me think why.
In the hospital where I trained we had a small hyperbaric chamber, but only a small tube one. I remember being taken to the unit as there was a patient there with Gas Gangrene, who collapsed in the tube, and died, I can't help feeling that if it had been a bigger unit where a nurse or doctor could have been there with him, he could have been saved. It takes several hours for the chamber to reach pressure, and pressure needs to be reduced equally slowly.
I'm not sure I could recommend it.
Cheers, Midori
Depend on the person neurological and the individual brain cellsI have spend thousands for 15 sessions of hyperbaric but there's no changes