That can carry crutches as well, something that works with our balance issues. And I can travel via plane with.
Recommendations on a portable mobility scooter/t... - Ataxia UK
Recommendations on a portable mobility scooter/trike

Don't know about the carrying crutches aspect, but this model is pretty cool. It says you can fold it up and stow it the overhead baggage department.
Hi, I have a supascoota shopper style with basket, which fold to go in a boot or plane, does not have a place for crutches, might can but an attachment. The travel scoot is very light weight, but only has three wheels. In UK
Hi, usually when I travel l use my folding travel scooter that's fine and you can carry crutches as well.
Instead of buying a scooter that can hold crutches you could buy a slip on scooter bag that has specially designed crutch holders at each side. I have one. Ideal for me

I think that's what I'll have to do, it's just finding a scooter reasonably priced that I can put in the car boot or travel with that isn't too heavy for me to lift into the boot or too fiddly to fold. That's got enough leg space, I am 5' 10".
Hi Sherena. The scooter bag I have was originally for and older (slightly bigger) scooter I use to have. I now have a Roma Dallas boot scooter which breaks up easily into 4 parts. The seat height adjusts up or down. I'm 5'6" and have seat height at highest level but my feet just barely sit on the bottom floor. At 5 ' 10" I think you would still be comfortable enough sitting. I need a high seat because of knee problems. Don't know if the bag I have will fit this scooter but I'll try it and get back to you. Google 'Invamed' Dallas boot scooter for more info on scooter. Cost is £500 new with free delivery (UK). A very good deal I'd say.

Thanks Hidden 🙂
Just after trying bag with crutches holders on my Roma Dallas scooter and it fits perfectly. Got the bag on Amazon a while back. I'll try and find it and send you link. If you lived near Cumbernauld where I stay then your welcome to come and take mine. Don't use it any more. Just found the bag Sherena. Don't know how to send link but it's called the 'Dulux quality mobility scooter bag with crutch/stick holders'. Cost is £24.99 on Amazon.

Thank you for taking the time, the website is super helpful, I think I was stuck on having a scooter that looked snazzy but I am not paying those prices when I already have a car! The scooter is purely to get around when I travel overseas to be honest and to give me some sense of freedom when I want to go for a 'walk' etc. Thank you for opening my eyes. I live in Preston don't think that's close but thanks for offering. You really have been super helpful! 🙂
You' also find on YouTube, clips of the Roma Dallas boot scooter. There is also a YouTube clip on how easy it is to build the scooter from scratch when it's delivered. It comes in a box and very easy to assemble Wishing you all the best of luck Sherena. Iain
Yes Sherena. Looks very much like it if not exact. The crutch holders have wee toggles on them so you can tighten them. This prevents the crutches from shaking about as you go.

Question about the scooter. Is it OK to separate and put back together with our balance issues? That's why I was looking for an auto fold one, I know my balance is really bad and if I am on my own is it easy enough to unload from the car and put together myself?
It's very easy to separate and put back together. However It may be more difficult for you to load and unload the scooter yourself. It can be done though. I can personally load and unload myself but because of balance and dizziness issues I much prefer someone to help me lifting the front end into the car. The back wheels piece and the seat (which easily just lifts up and off) are easy enough for me on my own. The front wheel end which includes the tiller (handle bars) is a bit more awkward on my own. I could still do it though but prefer not to. The handle bars fold down flat making it slim and easier to handle. Ultimately I'd say it all depends on how progressive your condition is. Auto fold scooters are very expensive and would be my preference if I could have afforded it. The Roma Dallas is a great scooter and very good value for money but a wee bit more effort is needed for transportation. It will cost you a lot more if you were to buy one from a mobility shop. Buying one online still gives you the same guarantees you would get if bought from a shop. Might be best if you look out for a Roma Dallas scooter in a mobility shop. That way you can test it out for yourself and ask any other questions you may have. But Buying one online is (in my opinion) the cheapest and best option.