I am experiencing a diminished ability in my competency. My memory is shot, Major difficulties in accomplishing even small tasks. The smallest thing becomes a gargantuan problem for me. . On tax day my friend drove me around looking for a post office that was open ..unlike the me who was. I even find it difficult/impossible to change the water in a flower vase. Im very scared. What r ur experiences in mental abilities.
Mental state: I am experiencing a diminished... - Ataxia UK
Mental state

So sorry to hear you're having so many difficulties. I feel your fear as I too have had similar experiences. I have SCA. Every day seems to bring another challenge. My short term memory is awful. At my last neurologist appointment I spoke about my concerns and was given cognitive testing. I was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Nothing can be done about this. I try to keep as active as I can and take one day at a time and really appreciate the good days. Talk with your neurologist about your concerns. If nothing else its so great to know we aren't alone! Best of luck to you!

My sentiments exactly - It is really cruel - even my Neurologist has given up on me - day by day is about all one can do - I am also really battling - being in South Africa makes it I guess even worse - I am into my 9th Year now - Really tough
That I am not alone, even with mental difficulties , thank you Carolss for your sharing, you are not alone
I agree with Rainmaker, we are not alone and I also take heart in that. To me we have lost everything that we took for granted, I get tired of having to explain it to other people. But, it seem I can still make people laugh or smile and I just keep going even if I have been told my joke are really bad, I just went through one of the worst weeks in my life and I am coming out of that the other side. Better to laugh than cry!
For you if it helps I do have a real understanding of mental illness, my dad did suffer from schizophrenia. Before I was born by the way and when my symptoms started to show both my own brother and sister started to question my mental state, I can assure you that mental illness has its own state and it does not involve not being able to walk or trouble with talking or using hands. Because of my birth I did not even try to really find out what was wrong with me for nearly a whole year. I think we are always going to suffer depression at some time as doing everything now is an effort, but is not everything in life?
I lost my mum a little while ago and it is going to take me some time to get over that, but it is just another fight.
Carolss, don't be scared pls...if we get scared, we tend to think imaginable...What other ataxians often experience is foggy brain, as I call it being a bit woolie headed...Let's just hope, that's what it is you are going through. Unable to think straight..
keep an eye on it, and get back asap...
I had a particular stressful time and cannot even remember lowering the sound on tv, only to complain, the sound cable fell out...quite frightening...on another occasion, sthg else...
Am wondering if you know your B12 level - if under 500 it can manifest as cognitive decline along with other neurological issues ... see link below and scroll down the page. Neurological symptoms come first and Ataxia is there too ...
Also low thyroid can be the cause of many problems with health. The Adrenals are the gear box - if we were a car - and the Thyroid is the accelerator My physio this morning described the Thyroid as the Maestro - the Conductor of the Full Orchestra ...
I am having treatment for Neuropathy in both legs - ataxia possibly induced by Hashimotos or B12 Deficiency ... and so on.
I am not a medic but I always think it is worth ruling out things that Doctors seem to know very little about and rarely do the correct tests - I am thinking Thyroid and B12 in this instance.