Hi, Does any one know what the waiting time is to be seen at the Sheffield Ataxia Centre.
Sheffield Ataxia Centre waiting time: Hi, Does any... - Ataxia UK
Sheffield Ataxia Centre waiting time

Hi ,when we go it’s not long at all ,I’ve been seeing dr h for years in Sheffield.
Hi, my was all booked a few months back for the end of April and now they cancelled it have to wait until June now if this one is not cancelled.
Hi Suzie, I am traveling down from Scotland. I was notified early March that Dr Marios Hadjivassiliou will see me. I am just waiting on a appointment coming through
That’s a long way to travel, hope you get your appointment soon. I was told he is a very good specialist and people come from America to see him. Hope all goes well for you
Hi KiwiBob, I stay in South Lanarkshire,Scotland and am hoping to get a referral to Sheffield. I have the name of the consultant for my Neurologist to contact. Where in Scotland are you?
North Ayrshire
I never knew there was hospital for ataxia. I suffer from cellebeller Sca 1 ataxia
Good luck for the future