Temperatures of 27 C degrees and higher seem to greatly worsen my ataxia - my first experience was in 32 degree C weather and I was walking alone and could barely make it to my destination. I was staggering and I am sure bystanders would have thought I was totally drunk I- I do not drink That was a terrifying experience. Since, I have experienced many such episodes.
Heat and my ataxia: Temperatures of 27 C degrees... - Ataxia UK
Heat and my ataxia

I know how you feel, it happened to me earlier aswell. But unfortunately I’m a coach driver and when my passengers see me staggering it’s very embarrassing lol
I think you may find a lot of people are struggling with this heat (we are not used to it!!) but with Ataxia it could effect us more. Drink much more water or still drinks than you would normally and try and keep in the shade
Even our dog doesn't like it and therefore doesn't get the walks he would normally get
Don't worry it will soon be winter!!
Take care. Ted
Yes I keep looking at the weather app on my iPad hoping to see a slight drop in temperature, it’s really tough in this heat, but then I really don’t like it getting to cold because I can’t handle when the pavement get frosty or icy! I used to get so embarrassed about staggering around in public but feel ok using my stick because people can see I have a condition ( other than being drunk 😵, I have drunk alcohol for decades ). If you don’t want to use a stick I can really understand that, but you could carry a fold up one in your bag just for bad days, I’m so grateful for this community, at least we know we’re not alone!
🙂 With ataxia it seems there’s hardly ever a happy medium. I dread Winter because of short dark days and icy conditions underfoot. But I generally look forward to Summer, until I have to cope with intense heat and humidity 😤 Between the two, I would still choose Summer. Overall, long sunny days win every time 🙂xB
I have been struggling too, but it is a bit cooler today. Then it is going to get hot again!! Jan
I get very hot and look silly but I wear a damp napkin around my neck x
Hi Christmaslady
I used to love the sun and do everything I could to get a nice tan.
Now I struggle to stand and move about in this heat. You just can't get away from it.
At least in the cold you can wrap up ...
thank you for all of your replies - I neglected to mention that the ataxia has progressively worsened and many days I can barely stand. I use a walker around out house that has stairs soon my worst some I am stuck on one level unless my husband helps me descend the stairs.
oops - type-o! I meant to type that " on my worst days"