Now my neurologist says I have MSA plus ataxia, He prescribed amatadine to deal with the PD-like symptoms I don't have PD but PD like symptoms... Has anyone heard of the?? Thanx N
MSA OR ATAXIA OR BOTH?: Now my neurologist says I... - Ataxia UK

Hey don't know if this will help, but really hope it makes things a little clearer. Ataxia can actually commonly be a symptom, as well as an actual condition. A lot of people with ms, are known to have ataxia as well. Because there both neurological conditions, which affect the cerebellum part of the brain, its unlikely to only cause one condition. As that part of the brain is what controls the body. So it can cause a sort of domino affect, why is why your symptoms might not line up with other peoples with ataxia. But it's not uncommon, don't worry 😊 and I hope your doctors are doing their best x
Ms and msa are different conditions, I was just using an example. But there extremely similar, they both affect the body the same way. A lot of the Meds for the these conditions tackle both things, meaning if you go on a msa drug, it should work for the ataxia, because it affects the brain in a similar way.
I am on an epileptic drug called topamax, which has honestly worked wonders, so might be worth a try or there is another one directly for ataxia called 4-AP which I have heard is very good. Unfortunately doctors don't generally know a lot about ataxia, so it's a bit tricky 🙄 my mum is under an ataxia specialist in London though, who she says is really good and doesn't just focus on the ataxia, you can get referred by a neurologist.
I find the best things for me, aside from Meds are just drinking plenty of water and not getting over heated which really does help xx