Hi all
Has anyone got ataxia due to drinking, a lot off you’s have really bad ataxia due to different cases mind was drinking please let me know
Many Thanks
Hi all
Has anyone got ataxia due to drinking, a lot off you’s have really bad ataxia due to different cases mind was drinking please let me know
Many Thanks
My brother got MJD real soon due to drinking , anything which affects brain should be avoided
My husband loved his drinks be they liquor or beer or wine or whatever. He cut back alot but the damage was done. I never thought he drank so much and no one has said so but alcohol may have contributed to his untimely death. He did not have ataxia but he developed some kind of heart disease so quit now.BTW I know other drinkers and no one I know has ataxia. Maybe just dumb luck???
Hi Art69,
When I was first diagnosed with Cerabeller Ataxia, we thought it was probably caused by excessive alcohol due to the signs I was showing and the amount I drank at that time.
I was basically told that although it wouldn't get any better, if I cut down, it should level itself out and not get much worse.
As I was not dependent on alcohol, it was just a lifestyle thing, I more or less packed it in. I suppose I was averaging less than a pint per week (I mean pint of cider,not vodka) and now it's probably nearer a pint every 5 or 6 months. However, the Ataxia continues to get worse.
After another MRI head scan, Lumber puncture and numerous blood tests, we are not sure what's causing it, but feel it's probably not alcohol.
Hi Kenny
Thanks for your reply,I was a heavy drinker and now don’t touch a drop been 18 months now and I still get the unbalances and coordination everyday,every table they give me does not work,just wondering if I should go get a second appointment with the nuro team
Thanks again
I got Ataxia from drinking. My Dr. said that who gets it from alcohol depends upon the tissue reserves in the balance center of the brain. Some people have more brain cells that they can afford to lose. Personally, I believe that a lot also has to do with the kind of alcohol, and how much of it, that a person drinks. Also, many people are not aware that Agent Orange exposure can cause Ataxia. So, if they spent any time in Vietnam, that should be one factor that they consider. When you are young, you feel invincible, but later find out how stupid that they were!
Hi Arthur,
Have you done genetic tests? is there anyone else in the family with ataxia? I have Machado-Joseph Disease, SCA3 and have never touched a drink! in my case it is genetic. May father also had it, and he did drink a bit, mainly wine. At the time very little was known about the disease and doctors also said it had to do with his drinking. They were wrong because why do I have it and have never drank any alcohol. I presume drinking would probably make it worse, but it is not the cause in my case.
All the best
Cerrabella Ataxia, Can be caused by Alcohol Abuse, I presume you mean that , by drinking over a long period of time . Also peripheral neuropathy can also cause ataxia, Not good, These conditions have a serious effect on mobility, and are progressive .
The only answer is to get help with drinking, as the conditions will only get worse ,
Hi Art69. My Consultant said '....wonder if alcohol is the problem..'. When I asked her about this she said one of the tests done on me was for chemical balances...or something like that.. and supported the view it was alcohol related. I drank regularly over a long period of time so it is possible.
Also, my sister has MS and, although not as serious as that, the 2 conditions affect the nervous system. Whether this is relevant or not I dont know. I havent had my DNA tested. Was I a 'carrier' and the alcohol exacerbated it?, I have no idea. I had never heard of Ataxia until diagnosed, but looking back I started showing signs about 7 - 8 years ago but no Doctor mentioned Ataxia although one did tell me about 6 years ago she thought I had some damage to the part of my brain that controlled balance and movement. Nothing more was done until I saw a different GP last year then she got things going.
Still, whatever the cause, I have Ataxia now and learning to live with it. Yes, it has changed the way I live but there are plenty of people worse off than me. I take each day as it comes and do what I can when I can.
Yes, This is often the case with alcohol. It causes so many health problems. Sadly people are not aware of just how much damage drink can do . untill it is too late .