Hi when I am at work. I look tried and slur my words people say I am drunk. But I do not drink alcohol before my shift.
People saying I am drunk at work: Hi when I am at... - Ataxia UK
People saying I am drunk at work

Hi Glen🙂 I know how hurtful it can be when this happens😏 Have you told your employer you have Ataxia, and the symptoms you cope with🤔xBeryl
No but he makes me feel like rubbish and he won't understand
Glen what matters is you. I describe how I sometimes as being drunk get yourself some of the cards that the group give out explaining your condition. I found them very useful when explaining my condition
If you tell your employer about your Ataxia, regardless of wether he understands or not, any bullying (I class your description as bullying) is classed as disability discrimination, hopefully he would understand the meaning he of this. Go to the HR department if you cannot speak with your boss, they should know the consequences of being treated this way by your work colleagues.
Good luck, let us know how you go, it's disgusting, in this day and age you should be treated this way., I feel for you.
Hi Glen, The very first sign of anything wrong was continually being accused of being drunk. I am now 69 and the first time I remember being told "to take more water with it" was in my 20s, the reason was because my speech was slight slurred. I am not a drinker, never have been a heavy drinker, and I guess about 6 glasses of wine in a year would be my about all the alcohol I consume. It is so sad that people find it necessary to 'label' others, especially when they don't realise there is an underlying problem. It sure does hurt! All the best, LadynTramp.