does anyone have trouble with sickness ? My diet has changed to very bland food have never liked spicy food so that has never bothered me but recently been having bouts of sickness after eating ,its usually about an hour after eating I get a pain like really bad indegestion then end up being sick then usually feel ok I remember something similar happening to my Dad and he was put on medication but hes been dead for 9 years so cant remember name of medication
Sickness: does anyone have trouble with sickness... - Ataxia UK

Dear gossy
Thanks for your post. I am sorry you are having this problem. I would advise going to your GP who will be able to assess you and your symptoms properly in order to give you the best treatment.
I hope it settles soon.
Best wishes
My son has the same thing... it's awful.. he went to his gp who put him on some anti sickness pills.. hope that helps xxxx
Yes but would advise going to your GP and getting a diagnosis of problem as could be all sorts of things gastro or neurology so see advice and keep yourself hydrated in mean time lots of water.
I had this problem sine July feeling sick pain had a Endoscopy which showed up a small Hiatus Hernia Gastris & a few small Erosions. I’ve read up about this & it shouldn’t really cause any problem I’m starting to get really worried, I am seeing my GP tomorrow but feel anxious about that
I had endoscopy and showed small lesions and remains of ulcer so now on Omeprozole for life
Returning to Gp today for result of byopsy if they’ve come back see what’s going on
hope it all goes well x

Thanks! Results have not come back yet have to have blood test Friday, apart from that I feel ok 👌