I have been diagnosed with sca2 for a few years now, along with my brother. I am 25 and he's 28. We both suffer from frequent cramping of the muscle all over our body. Is this something to do with ataxia? Does anyone suffer from this too? Is there any medication or things we can do to help? Thanks.
Cramp?: I have been diagnosed with sca2 for a few... - Ataxia UK

Hi ljp103
Thank you for your question. The cramps you and your brother are experiencing are likely due to your ataxia. There are a number of different treatments available and what works for one person might not be suitable or indeed be effective in the next. The best person to discuss this with is your GP/neurologist.
You may find the following link helpful which is to a previous conversation on HealthUnlocked
Best wishes
I too suffer from really bad cramp in my legs in bed. I am 67 and have Cerebellar Ataxia which I have had for over twenty years.
I too have SCA2 and suffer with cramps. Amitriptyline was prescribed by my doctor and seems to help but medication is not for everyone Anna sometimes works sometimes not! Best advice is talk to your GP/Neuro.
Hi, I have cramps all over my body too. I have a genetic sca but type unknown. I was taking baclofene but that didn't agree with me. Until my next neurologist app I'm managing just with stretches.
I may try the turmeric idea soon.
Baclofen will reduce intensity of cramps or get rid of them. In UK a GP prescription. Also quinine sulphate will reduce cramps, another prescription.
Both Baclofen and quinine sulphate have side effects. Dizziness and lack of muscle tone are two. There are others but these two are of concern to health professionals as can lead to increased falling down. This forum does not do scanned attachments. Can forward hazard sheet for Baclofen.
The reduction of cramp frequency and intensity is a relief. Able to sleep at night. Your GP may need reminding of Baclofen.
I have SCA1 and suffered a lot from cramp.
The doctors did try to get me on Baclofen but it did not agree with me. I use organic turmeric (400mg am and pm and if needed one in day). I get cramp and it really helps. Every so often I was getting problems and my neuro-physio suggested electrolytes and they did the trick.
Obviously if you are taking anything else be very careful and check. This website is quite good mskcc.org/cancer-care/treat...
Hope this helps