National Voices is the umbrella charity representing patients' interests. This link is to an excellent piece on the impact of the new PIP assessments, which will inevitably hit many people affected by ataxia:
Excellent blog on National Voices website re Pe... - Ataxia UK
Excellent blog on National Voices website re Personal Independence Payments

Thank you Sue. I'm reluctant to put myself forward for any kind of assessment. Attending on
a good day, they would just laugh. On a bad day, I wouldn't want to leave the house anyway.
I was supposed to have had one of those ATOS Medicals at the Areden House Newcastle, but they cancelled it due to getting more information about my coondition.
I can imagine you must be feeling confused about this, in light of today's
appt. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for the scan. xB
I am a wee bit concerned but, if it was something bad i would think they would have had me admitted, so I'm going to "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life".
Its a funny old world
Good Morning John!
You're so right, it is a funny old world, you encourage me to always look on
the bright side of life. Don't forget, no lifting ton weights, right? xB
I'll stick to lifting my lovely cups tea, ha ha