finally getting to see genetisit to help confirm which form of ataxia, was being treated with DIAMOX but was taken off due to very abnormal lft's. i can't reduce my hours and do de-stressing exercises etc. my sickness rate is very high and my managers are very understanding but being refered back to OHSAS because i could be going down the route of ? retirement due to ill health or dismissal, so this is adding more stress. i'm fearing the future as worked for nhs since 1987
i am a nurse inbusy surgical ward, anyone have a... - Ataxia UK
i am a nurse inbusy surgical ward, anyone have any hints or tips on how to cope working whilst working.

Hi spook68!
You do amazingly well to cope at all with what must be a very demanding, stressful job.
I hope you get the situation resolved soon. xB
It was "surgested" that I looked in to becoming permently sick last year after working for the same company since 1985. Now I am defined as sick but I do miss work, but I don't have the worry of being made redunant! Look in to going sick, it will mean less money but may remove the stress. Good Luck
Hi nigel 2112, thanx for replying, it's the nhs I wirk for and they have policies. I would only get full pay for 3months then half pay for 3 months then nothing.

Hello spook68
I recently took early retirement from the NHS where I worked as a doctor for 10 years. I recognised that things were getting a lot more difficult and eventually self-referred to Occ Health. Although I didn't go with the intention of seeking retirement (at 35 the thought hadn't even entered my mind) it was really the start of the process. I think one of the best things about it was that retiring was my choice and wasn't something that I was forced into by anyone. Fortunately nothing disasterous had happened like hurting myself or more importantly a patient but if I had stayed working for much longer, it undoubtedly would've done. I now get an occupational pension.
I hadn't realised how difficult I was finding work until I stopped. I can do things now without time pressure which is really lovely and I am also more able to do things that help like exercise without being worried how tired I will get. I am able to manage my time, activity and levels of fatigue much, much more effectively. It is extremely stressful thinking about early retirement and then going through the process. Only you can make the decision but all I can tell you is it was definitely the right decision for me. In hindsight I probably stayed working a couple of years longer than I should. My advice would be to make the decision yourself before it is taken out your hands.
Best Wishes
Thank you harry b, I have an appointment with ohsas friday, i'm afraid my pension will not b enough to survive, 25yrs with nhs and superannuation
Hi sorry been away so not been able to reply, occ health want a def diagnosis b4 ill health retirement considered, she suggested taking a sabbatical for a yr yeh like i've got the money. To c genetisist tomoro and another neurologist at same clinic fingers crossed