Asthma and being well enough to work. - Asthma Community ...

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Asthma and being well enough to work.

3 Replies

Hi everyone

I read the forum often but don't often have the confidence to post, but have gained a lot from reading other people's experiences.

I am signed off long term with my asthma, but I had been working a few hours a week on a work scheme (supported employment / back to work type thing) at my local hospital. Things had not been going too well before xmas, lots of chest infections, having to regularly neb etc. My peakflow rarely gets over 50% of my best. They decided that i wasn't well enough to go into work, in december i wasnt well enough to get out of the house most of the time.

Today I was told because of my absence that they wouldnt be continuing my work placement, which is understandable as I hadn't been in regularly for a few months, but it doesn't help how I am feeling. After 3 months on pred and daily nebs, I was feeling better and had come off the pred and was feeling more positive about going back to work.

My asthma controls my life and I want to be able to be in control of it. I am on seretide 250, singualar, aminophylline, ceterizine, a nasal spray, have home neb with ventolin & atrovent nebs. My peak flow doesn't seem to get above 50% of it's best, only gets to about 60% with nebing. Pred makes a real difference but have had to stop it as am having really high blood pressure :-( so only take it when have v bad chest infection

I just am not sure what I can do, I want to work but cant think of what sort of job I can do with severe asthma. What sort of things do people on the forum do? I was doing an admin role at the hospital.

I hope people don't mind me venting slightly, everything has got me very down and a bit disillusioned with everything



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3 Replies

sorry hear you're having such a rough time, I assume you have a consultant, have you tried discussing with him methods of finding better control, maybe stay on the pred but also something for the high blood pressure or hope they'd have a better suggestion.

Have you considered volunteering at somewhere, if it's to get back out and be useful, local charity places are a good place to start. Some on here do quite a bit like that when they can, and hopefully one of them will answer.

Hi sorry how things have turned out for you, and totally understand you wanting to work. I was medically retired when I was 23 due to my Asthma, and I won't pretend that I still don't want to work because I do, but also understand that the likely hood is very unlikely. Over many moons I have done hospital voluntary work, charity shop work, been a trustee of an animal charity, worked voluntary for a wildlife trust and enjoyed them all. At the moment I can't commit to voluntary work with the guarantee of being able to attend on a regular basis, so in the meantime I am occupying my time with an Open University Course, which is helping to keep the brain cells ticking over. What I am doing is relatively easy going, so if I have a naff week it isn't too taxing to catch up. Is there a local college near you where you can do a recreational course, something you can look forward to each week without having to actually do any assignments at home. I have done these in the past, anything from jewellery making, to sculpture to drawing and painting. There might be some community groups that do something called Stitch and Bitch around here. Just anything that gives you something to look forward to, whilst not putting pressure to you to commit whilst you are unwell, but still makes you feel like you are involved in the outside world. Finishing work can make you feel quite isolated, and any of the above things can really help dispel those feelings. Good Luck

Thanks for your replies.

I was doing degree course part time, graduated last year, but yeah I hadn't thought of doing some thing more relaxed, such as art. Once things are more settled I am going to go back to helping out in one of the charity shop as an extra pair of hands, rather than rotated to do certain shifts so not having to worry about being well enough or letting people down.

I am seeing my consultant next month so am going to chat to them about meds & quality of life, etc.


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