nebulisers: hi everyone A friend of... - Asthma Community ...

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hi everyone

A friend of mine went to see her gp on monday, who told her she was having an asthma attack and gave her 2 nebulisers, and oxygen, my friends symptoms then began to improve slightly and the doctor let her go home and also gave her a nebuliser with ventolin and atrovent nebules to take with it, she told her to take it at 4pm, 8pm and during the night and during the next few days as needed. is this normal? I always thought it was only people with very severe asthma who have nebulisers at home? it is also the first time my friend has ever had a nebuliser before!


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14 Replies

The doctor must have thought she needed one as they only give them out when a patient really needs one. I would just say follow doctos instructions and any concerns go back to same doctor and ask for advice. If the nebuilser doesnt work at any point go straight to a and e!

Sounds very dangerous to me, she could feel a false sense of security having the nebuliser there especially as she has never used one before.

She really should have been sent to hospital if she was gong to need nebs that frequently and it was her first time using it.

Most people have strict instructions how to use there nebulisers and are only prescribed as a last resort to keep someone out of hospital.

hope this helps


KateMoss profile image

Yes, I agree with Clare, Sounds like a dangerous situation.

People should be assessed by a hospital consultant before they are given a home neb. It should not have been given in this type of situation.


hi claire

I was thinking the same as you, she has never even had an asthma attack before until now! she just used to take the brown and blue inhaler and was very well controlled. from what I have read on this website, if someone is ill enough to need a nebuliser the majority of times they should be in hospital. and there seems to be 2 main reasons why people have nebulisers neither of which apply to her.

my friend has also been complaining of side effects including headaches and severe nausea, is there any advice I should be giving her?


I agree with everyone. If the gp is that worried about your friend to prescribe home nebs he should refer her to a specialist. I have not heard of nebs and o2 being given at a gps then being sent home with a neb for home use i would think that would be quite scary. Neb therapy is not something to be undertaken lightly and there are many other alternatives ie inhalers, tabs etc to try first.

Almo x

Breathagain profile image
Breathagain in reply to

I've had neb treatment at home, I have instructions from my doctor and amide by them. A neb at home , if you know your asthma , is far better then rubber sheets and no sleep. I've had asthma 48 years.

when my asthma turned from well controlled to not so well controlled before it turned brittle I was given a home nebuliser from gp surgery but had a district nurse until I felt confident using it and also when I new it was time to put the nebuliser down and call emergency services so I do think my drs were quite good and they also then refered me on to the hospital who I have been seeing ever since I was 17 and he is brilliant so I think anyway

I think my friend was given one because she didn't want to go to hospital, her doctor wanted to admit her but she refused because she wanted to stay at home, which I advised her against, but she insisted that she stayed at home.

just out of interest, if someone doesn't respond well to nebulisers what would be the next treatment?


KateMoss profile image



I have not heard of being sent from the GP's with a nebuliser either!!!!!

I have home nebs and even being on home nebs my GP still sends me to the hospital when I have had an attack, because I think she thinks its safer to get me checked over than for me to be ill later on that day/night.



Just thought i would add my wee bit in here.

When i have attended my GP with bad asthma i am always nebulised in the surgery and then given prednisolone and a nebuliser with nebs to take home. I think it hasnt been bad enough to go to hospital and thats why i am not sent there straight away.

I now have my own nebuliser which is handy but i am very careful to monitor my condition carefully and using my personal asthma action plan as i think it is very easy to feel all is ok when in fact its really not. Thats when its dangerous!

Thats all for now.

Pinky x

1st time on a nebuliser

I visited an out-of hours surgery on Easter Sunday as I was concerned about how frequently I needed my ventolin inhaler. I had my first ever nebuliser and was very impressed by how much better this made me feel. I was also prescribed prednisolone and antibiotics. I felt I was very well treated but do wonder if I should have sought advice sooner. I am fairly new to asthma and am much saddened by my diagnosis. I used to run but am too fearful now - which I know is illogical. Who should I be asking for help?

Thank you for reading, any response will be gratefully received.

Hi caramac!

Do you have a personal action plan which sets out the different stages for asthma symptoms and attacks and wwhat you do at each stage?

If not see the asthma nurse at your gpsurgery and they can put one together for you taylored to you.


Hi Anjelica,

i haven't got an action plan but the Asthma Uk Nurse did advise me that I ought to have one and I will request this when I can actually get an appointment,

thank you

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