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Lung Conditions Community Forum

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All posts for June 2013

Dionnes trans pennine walk for blf

Just to let you know, she set off yesterday morning, and now has just a few km t...
amagran profile image


I have been diagnosed with COPD and i am also disabled housebound and over weigh...
tommy1945 profile image

tips on going on a cruise from uk (obtaining and using an oxygen concentrator0

jeanough profile image
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hi everyone. i first contacted this great site a few months back and everyone ...
divaanne profile image

Saw the consultant yesterday!

I saw my consultant yesterday, originally for a 6 month check up but I'd only se...
alanjudy profile image


I am 58 with cronic bronchitis emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis I have been told...
Hidden profile image


i have been on oxygen for over a year at consultant even arranged for me...
terrzy profile image

Daily Laughter

Where did the word Sunday come from It's the day named in honour of the sun. ...
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02 of 77 while walking around....

Ok, I just did four minutes of walking up and down my corridor and around my apa...
Lillytan profile image


I applied to dla for my son who has chronic astma and is under the brompton ,I g...
georgesmummy profile image

C'mon England !!!

Good luck to England in the cricket tomorrow. :)
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Blog or question - puzzled!

Sometimes I read something on the blogs which actually cries out for an answer r...
jandan profile image

Can anyone solve the problem of getting sore nostrils as a result of the oxygen nasal cannula ?

Hi my mum is now on oxygen 24 hours and is coming to terms with this but she is ...
Snippet profile image

I am a Sensitive man................Tele off ,feet up.g&t or a beer and have a nice read,

A woman met me in a bar. We started talking,sort of made friends and we ende...

JD's Karate Cat

Hi Jandan that moogy of your hasn't been on the prowl again has it !!! lmao h...
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has this ever happen to anyone

this may not make sence but I will try to explan this feeling i have since i hav...
music profile image

Time out - A glimpse at Malaysia

Wanna go back again - mind you not sure if I could handle the humidity now. ...
Hidden profile image

Exercise and COPD + Living well with COPD videos

Help and understanding for those recently diagnosed or those who have not attend...
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I don't understand

Why I have not had a form to fill in. I am on DLA ? Should everyone have one b...
Is4bell4 profile image


am feeling really down today just finished antibiotics n steroids had mild heart...
mommalou profile image

Apology to Jandan

I recently published a joke under the heading "Apology to KOTC". Unbeknown to me...
phillips1 profile image

E Cigs

Anybody using e cigs suffering any side affects? Thanks
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Daily Laughter

A Sunday School teacher of preschoolers was concerned that his student might be ...
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Feeling down

I haven't been on the site much just lately but I had some bad news a week or so...
Decor profile image

Awake early . . yawns.

Argh was awake @ 0300 hrs. Does this go along with having COPD? Played on my ...
Is4bell4 profile image

Just Another little Ditty

A boy and a girl went hiking of course! they were both wearing shorts The y ca...
Hidden profile image

I think it's time for the poet 'o' the north to resurrect himself !!! :D

A SIGH a sigh is just a breath of air ascending from your heart but when it...
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A eureka moment

Some of you lovely people know I care for my mum who has end stage emphysema. Sh...
Poppin profile image

Back to the classroom correction

?1 should read Vladimir Sorry KOTC maybe I need a Daily Tonic

It's back to the classroom Health Unlockders,time for a little less frivolity

KOTC thinks it's time to stimulate your brains again.I will give you all weekend...