It was another of those rare days that could'nt be waisted. The sun is out and the sky is blue so its on with the oxygen pack and away to go.
I took the binoculars with me in case there was some interesting wild life out there on display. I made my way across the Worcestershire Golf Club where I watched a buzzard soreing above me with a backdrop of the Malvern Hills. Useing the binoculars I got a real close up view, it was brilliant to watch its shear effortless flight circleing round and round on the lift of the invisable thermals. Then I realised he was'nt alone, a para glider was up there too possibly homeing in on the same thermals that the bird had given away.
I felt so incredibly lucky to still be able to wittness such a sight. There was a woodpecker hammering away in the wood nearby and another green woodpecker laughing, probably at me close by.
I continued on my walk and decided I may as well push myself a bit so headed up the hill to my old work place. There was plenty of huffing,puffing ,coughing and spluttering but I got there only to find that the garage was closed this morning, so this meant I could'nt beg a lift back home. Oh well it was more downhill than up, and gravity would aid my return journey.
On reaching home my wife wanted me to go shopping for my sons birthday which is next week.
I felt knackered after my morning walk but agreed and off we went to PC world and Worcester city centre.
More miles on the clock for this knackered old crock but exercise is good they say. I'm thinking this is turning into another one of those manic days when I end up overdoing it and suffering the consequences for days later.
Oh well I'm home now writeing this blog,listening to Hereford winning 0-4 at Telford and looking forward to Britains got Talent with my feet up. whew its been a long day.
Tony. Keep as active as possible all, I'm sure thats whats keeping me going.