I was pleased to see another poem from Don, and I replied to say that I would write anoter short tale. The only problem was that later in te day I could not remember what I was going to write about. We had the vet out yesterday to look at one of our horses and he left a bandage around his neck. While walking the dogs this morning I saw the horse complete with bandage and it reminded me of my wife and the tale I was going to tell. And, before anybody says anything, no my wife does not look like the horse.
Last year my wife had a 24 hour stay in hospital for minor intervention. All went well and at the end of the fay given the allclear to go home. She didn`t need telling twice, so very quickly off the bed, coat on and ready to go. We said thank you and goodbye to the nurses and then headed back to te car. The hospital we were at in Toulouse is built on a very steep hillside. From the room where my wife was, we had a walk of about 50 yards to the lifts, then down 3 floors to get to ground floor. From the lift to the outside is a walk of about 200 yards. Once outside a furter walk across a bridge towards the car par and then another lift to go down about another 3 floors to ground level. Only a short walk to the car. A lovely warm day so my wife wanted to remover her jumper and much to her horror discovered that there was still a canula in her arm. A bit like the horse with one left intentionally in his neck.
We did not fancy a return trip back to the ward so I offered to remove it once back home. Wife was not impressed with the idea.
We went ome and called the District Nurse, who came in the evening to remove the canula, at no charge.
Very good service from her, and we duly informed the hospital of the error.
Have a good day everybody, Chris.