Sometimes the solution is simple ! - Lung Conditions C...

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Sometimes the solution is simple !

PaulineHM profile image
35 Replies

Getting through the winter isn’t isn’t easy, is it friends ? This one was a long one and once the spring is on its way my energy levels, enthusiasm and motivation get going and life opens up again.

It didn’t happen this year though. Asthma COPD for 21 years….was it all getting to the body ? No energy, dragging the body through the day, headaches, increased cough, demotivated, incredible fatigue, more breathless, poor sleep, swollen ankles and feet by the end of the day… Could it be Heart Failure ? Could it just be that the lung were just not coping well anymore ?

There was nothing for it but to speak to my GP. Between my tears I asked her, could it be heart failure ? Co Pulmonale ? Knackered lungs ?

Let’s see she said kindly and pushed the tissues in my direction. Let’s do some tests. Chest X ray, ECG, Full range of bloods including BNP for heart failure.

Completion of these tests takes only 2 weeks.

I look up the results on the NHS App. I read normal, normal, normal etc… phew…then speak to your doctor….low ferritin….low iron stores. A quick Google shows this condition appears to present with all the symptoms I have been experiencing.

A chat with the doctor who confirms that low ferritin - low iron stores which can be treated with high doses of iron tablets for 3 months. #relief. Off home and can start treatment. Within a few days I am feeling like my old self with all the symptoms disappearing like magic after a few days.

Such a simple solution..very grateful for an easy and effective treatment. Long may it last.

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PaulineHM profile image
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35 Replies
NHgardener profile image

Just. Wow! Kudos to you and your doctor for figuring this out! This struck a chord with me. That’s such an elegant solution to symptoms that not every physician unravels! The human body is so bizarre. I have a genetic condition called Hemachromatosis (my body retains too much iron and ferritin - simple remedy is periodic blood draws.) My daughter was in the ER 5 times last year with copious vomiting, sweating/chills, low temperature, delirium - and 4 of 5 docs decreed it was an allergy to weed, very judgmental, even though it occurred during long gaps between her using weed. Long story short, turned out to be a caffeine allergy (with a simple solution - avoid caffeine!) You are very fortunate to have had a doctor who listened and followed through. It’s stories like yours that remind us to persevere in our health journeys.

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to NHgardener

I also have too much iron in my blood but only just found. I am going for another test in a couple of weeks then maybe I will be diagnosed with Hemachromatosis, although no one in my family has it?! xx

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to leo60

No one in your family has to have a haemochromatosis diagnosis for you to, Leo60. Normally you need to have the gene passed on from both your parents for you to inherit it. They will be fine, each having just one gene.

I have it, diagnosed around 2015. I had blood letting (venesection) then a couple of times, and have only needed this a couple of times since then, each being after a hospitalisation with pneumonia. So maybe the iron levels rise (in my case) due to inflammation. I dont drink at all since diagnosis, don't eat red meat. In case you are diagnosed with haemocromatosis it's helpful to know that food is divided into iron enhancers and iron inhibitors - in relation to their ability to absorb iron into the blood. Eggs and dairy are inhibitors and I eat a lot of them, maybe why mine seems to be managed ok. Coffee and other caffeine foods are also inhibitors.

Let us know how your test goes. :)

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to O2Trees

Thank you O2 Trees, a very clear explanation. I will be prepared if I test positive! I will let you know, thanks again xx

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to NHgardener

Thank you. Oh Haemachromatosis isnt much fun then is it ? I feel for you with that and hope your daughter is feeling better ?

Very lucky with my GP here.

Go well

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to PaulineHM

It's like not having an off switch for absorbing iron, which most people do have. If it is not controlled the iron gets laid down in your vital organs - liver, heart etc and causes damage. But well managed, the condition isnt so bad.

So glad your low iron has been recognised and treated and that you feel better. :)

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to O2Trees

Thank you.

Go well.


Patk1 profile image

Gd news that Yr anaemia can b easily treated x

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Patk1

Thank you Pat. x

Collie4 profile image

What you have posted could have been written by me. I can relate to everything you have said. I’ve had copd/asthma for 16 years and this past year have felt so awful off and on, not to mention the long winter we have had to endure. I hope you continue to feel better. Like us all i guess there’s good days and bad days. Must embrace each day and be thankful.🙂

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Collie4

Awwww yes I feel for you if you are relating to the symptoms I had. Hope that things will improve for you soon.

Go well,


B0xermad profile image

Hi Pauline what a relief to discover that it was low iron and amazingly how quickly it starts to improve your health, I had low blood count last year and I used to be low in iron throughout my early years but this time threw up vitamin b12 deficiency just a simple pill once a day can right the body over time .wish you well soon

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to B0xermad

My sister had this and had to have injections as her body doesn't digest it x

B0xermad profile image
B0xermad in reply to Izb1

Some people have to have it in injection form it gets into the body faster to

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to B0xermad

Thanks for your comments, yes I have been told that if one month of iron tablets doesnt help then IV will be the next line of treatment. Not sure I will need that line of treatment though.

Go well,


PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to B0xermad

Generally people need Vit B 12 by injection as is it not absorbed via their gut. The condition is called Pernicious Anaemia.

Go well.

leo60 profile image

As you say, something so simple . . . . . . glad you found out! xx

Izb1 profile image

So glad you have a good gp and it was a simple solution. I take a supplement every now and again if my fatigue is too bad x

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Izb1

Oh that is interesting, which supplements do you feel help you ?

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to PaulineHM

I take Feroglobin as it has iron, folic acid , b12 , b6, copper and zinc . I suffer fatigue alot I think due to the rheumatoid arthritis along with the bronch. I take folic acid twice a week due to the methotrexate I am on. I think the additional Feroglobin helps when I am really suffering and acts as a pick me up. Hope this helps x

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Izb1

Oh thank you so much. It is so helpful to know this.

Am very sorry to read of your fatigue…is tough isn’t it ?I hope you have times when life is more comfortable for you.

Go well,


Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to PaulineHM

I have suffered this for years and find that I just have to work through it and force myself to shift my bottom lol x

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Izb1

Ooooh sounds tough for you, Hope some days are better than others for you x

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to PaulineHM

Yes some days are good, having multiple health problems are not good but we get through, thank you x

Handel profile image

Brilliant news. You'll be running round in not time. Bless you. Love and hugs. Jan xxx

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Handel

Yes thank you., it is already helping--feeling much better now.

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to PaulineHM

💕❤️ xx

peege profile image

You have a good gp there, thank goodness. I totally understand how you felt in having CFS. When I originally went to doc in 2016 I just knew it was either low iron, low B12, low D3 or low thyroid. Blood tests done, diagnosis CFS no explanation just "there's no cure, just manage it" end of. It's pretty depressing not being able to function isn't it but so glad you have a solution 😊 P

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to peege

Hi Pen,

Yes very fortunate with a GP here. She is lovely and clinically sound too.

Go well,

Pauline xx

MoyB profile image

As I read your post I was ticking off every symptom and thinking, 'I know what's wrong here.'

I've been through the same thing and, yes, the Ferritin made a huge difference. However, I later needed Folate too, so be prepared.

Unfortunately, I'm now going through the same thing again. I've been anaemic again for months but treatment has been delayed due to the GP wanting a FIT test which took a month -A MONTH! Ridiculous! I've had them done previously and the results can be back in a couple of days. Anyway, the FIT test (poo test) is normal so I've tried to get an appointment to see my GP. I have one booked now for two weeks time. First of all, I was told the next pre-bookable appointment is in August, but the lovely receptionist kept trawling for me and found one in June. Hoorah! I'll phone every morning until then and also use the Engage Consult option on the computer and see if I can see someone sooner, but - hey! - I have a face to face appointment booked which many of my friends are failing to get. The system is falling apart!

Anyway, I'm SO glad your GP was on it and has got you sorted out. It's such a quick fix for a whole range of awful symptoms. It amazes me that we're not all tested regularly for iron deficiency once we get to a certain age.

Enjoy feeling well again! If the symptoms start again, be sure to go back.

xx Moy

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to MoyB

I totally agree Moy and think we should tested for b12 as well, so many of my friends are lacking in this and have to have injections. Keep pushing until you get a result x

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to MoyB

Hi, oh thank you that is interesting. I will keep an eye on things now.

Very lucky with a great GP.


Alberta56 profile image

I'm glad that's been sorted out. Enjoy the summer.

watergazer profile image

Great stuff. Long may you carry on to feel normal again x

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to watergazer

Thank you.

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