I have had a lung infection for six weeks. came off antibiotics three weeks ago. developed a runny nose headaches chest pains two weeks ago another chest infection.. finished my last antibiotic today. i feel a lot better than did last week but terrified the infection comes back since i am off antibiotics took the last one today.any advice please.
due to go on holiday on thursday cant... - Lung Conditions C...
due to go on holiday on thursday cant sleep for worrying if i will be ok to fly.

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What as your doctor said ... Most people fly with the plauge .... Might be geting your self in a tiss for nothing
Have you lung heart problems .... As your queston don't say much
Having looked at your profile with your health condition think you do need to as doctor or Email BLF
Others have taken flights ad to be honest have not faired to well its all down to how bad your health condition is as everybody is difrent ... Might be other who can answer your question fully
Hope have been of help all the best
I cannot fly now unless I have oxygen in flight. But when I did fly before progressing I always took antibiotics and steriods with me. Visit your doctor. And ask for a prescription for antibiotics and steroids to take with you in your luggage in case of a flair up. Happy holidays.
I think most of us suffer with fears and panics for no real reason, I have had hypnosis to help me overcome them. He explained the sub-conscious is trying to protect me from anything that may cause problems. As he said if you are told not to think of a pink elephant you instantly think of one, so you have to something to take you thoughts away from, I now have a garden in my mind, when things start to get bad I sit down and think about the garden, it may sound silly but it works after a short while I calm right down and am able to do what ever it was that was worrying me.
I not sure if it is the hypnotism that helps or the explanation of why I panic but something does.
Good luck and enjoy the holiday
Try to put as many strategies in place to offset the panic. Perhaps you could go to the Doctor and explain how scared you are and ask for a prescription of antibiotics and steroids - just in case. Make sure you have extra inhalers. When we went to France I had a letter typed in French explaining my husband had COPD and what his meds were. (we never needed it but it made me feel easier!) Take lots of hand santisier! Then at least you can relax a little and know you have done as much as you can. Have a fab holiday. TAD xx PS I went on holiday with my mother in law years ago (enough to induce enormous stress!) and my mum got me some rescue remedy - worked pretty well or even Kalms tablets I got my son for his A levels.
I don't want to sound like the voice of doom but I take it you had checked you were fit to fly with your GP or consultant before you booked your flight? If you were then the trick will be to do as others have suggested, rescue pack, sanitiser and adequate insurance. I was told I was 'fit to fly' but I still got horribly worked up with 'what if's', but once the plane was up in the air and I realised I could still breathe everything relaxed.
If you are concerned speak to your GP.
Good luck
thank you for all your replies. I am going to make appointment for Tuesday or Wednesday with my doctor. Must try and keep possitive so Lanzarote I come.xx
I have some "safe place" meditations if you would like to have a copy please email me direct and I shall be happy to send them to you. Or if you would like to discuss the fear of flying further again I can offer some CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) strategies that may be able to help with the mental chattering?
Feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do on the emotional / cognitive side of things. The magic number is 03000 030 555 or message me direct.
Take care
Natalyab hope you will take Helen up on her offer and you have a wonderful holiday. I was there last November with my very patient son. We were in the old town and had a short walk every night to the many eating places at the harbour. The plane was a no frills effort abt 4hrs. and made up my mind not to try to walk fast for appearances sake, slow down and take stops, have your inhalers to hand and practice your breathing when necessary. Please let us know how your holiday goes. Bon Voyage!
I will let you all know how my holiday goes lots of lovex
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