My friend of 65 was diagnosedwith mild asthma a few months ago,she's had a chest inf lately but is on the mend ,she constantly worries about her peak flow which s grt it's 450-500i told her that's grt for someone her age,can anyone verify this to reassure her ,her chest is clear and is no longerwheezin,I'd like to put her mind at rest
Asthma: My friend of 65 was... - Lung Conditions C...
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Hi it sound pretty good to me. Mine is never that high even when I am at my very best. I think you can get too hung up on numbers. I am no expert but I don't think your friend has anything to worry about.
Thank you
Thank u il do that
We keep saying it on here - everyone is different. What is a good reading for one may be terrible for another. Mine should be way up at 590-ish but I blow 400-450 on good days and down to 200-250 when I'm struggling.
There is a calculator available at which works out the average, depending on gender, height and age. I just did a quick calc on a female 65 year old, about 5 foot 4-ish. Your friend is actually above the calculated level. If she's much taller it may be worth re-doing the calculation, but sounds good to me.
I rang the helpline there brilliant,told me wat to do to help my friend
Well I have to agree with everyone else on this question, your reading sounds mighty good to me as mine never goes much above 300 but thats normalish for me , when ill it goes down to about 200. Every person is different its more important to know your own normal .
Yes I guess ur right
Mine is mostly 200 but on a good day 250. I would love to push out 450 !
I have asthma and borderline COPD. My breathing tests average about 350 so your friends does sound ok. I have been told that I should be 450/500 as normal for my age.
Bev x
Thank you
That's my personal best peak flow 450 my peak flow is low 300 at the lowest 200
She's fine I wheeze a lot tell her she's fine and keep telling her
that's an excellent peak flow mine is around 2oo and your friends on par with my teenage grandson who is fit and healthy ,hope this reasures !!!