My wife hasn’t had this check since we moved here 5 years ago when the nurse said due to her having Bronxhectasis and an aspergillus growth in one lung that my wife probably knew more about her treatment than she did and they wouldn’t bother with another appointment. At our previous address my wife had had a lot of appointments but found them quite useless for her and they eventually stopped doing them at her practice anyway.
Do any of you still get these and do you find any benefit. My wife is going because for the first time in decades this year she had hay fever which caused a chest infection and then another allergic asthma attack one night. She used her reliever inhaler and just ordered more but they haven’t given her any - in fact they made a right mess of her repeat prescription even though she was told to put it on when she saw the senior nurse practitioner after the allergic type of asthma attack she had about two weeks ago (!)So is hoping she can sort that out with the nurse if nothing else.