I HAVE DEVELOPED THE MOST AGONISING PAIN IN MY UPPER ABDOMAN WHEN I COUGH.. I was ill for 3 days with breathing problems b4 this, any advise from anyone plz?
Terrible pain: I HAVE DEVELOPED THE... - Lung Conditions C...
Terrible pain
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It sounds like you have pulled a muscle maggie or, rather more extreme, you may have broken a rib !
This is quite possible as we cough with such force and frequence. Have a chat with your gp, he may want you to have an x-ray, but even if it is a broken rib there is nothing much they can do with it I'm afraid.
Can only reiterate what elian has said maggie, or if you can't see your gp for a few days you could call the BLF helpline tomorrow on 03000 030 555 or email them at enquiries@blf-uk.org, they will be able help. Libby
I too agree don't believe you could guest better advice than that above,
Best of luck.
As the others said see your doctor. Earlier this year I was sure I had an hernia but it was a pulled muscle at first I didn't want to bother the doc but I did and it certainly helped put my mind to rest. Got advice on here
Hello maggie, Just before Christmas I phoned our emergency helpline very early one Sunday morning with the most pain in my chest that I have ever known, I was almost convinced that a heart attack was on its way. Although I have had chest pains before , these were particularly bad. The doctor checked me over and confirmed that in his opinion it was of course related to coughing. He recommended that I take a couple of co codamol, I usually stay away from such medication, but I had no probs with a couple, and the pain didn't come back.
I had similar to canalchris and co-codamol did the trick.I also take them when my ribs are broken through coughing too hard.
I suffer with the same problem, Painkillers help but codeine can cause constipation, just what you don't need with the other problems, my GP suggested taking a senokot tablet at night if I used paracodol regually. Certainly helps me.
I had this when I pulled a muscle, did go to the doctors couldn't think what it was. Took paracetomol, it lasted for about a week
Lib x
Hi, it sounds as though you might have pleurisy. The pain is very very similar to cracked ribs or pulled muscle . I have had all three. Doctor can tell from listening to your chest, I think there's a sort of rasping sound when the pleural membrane becomes separated. Sympathize, very painful indeed.
Thank you everyone for all your replies and useful advice. Bless you xx
yes a pulled muscle , it hurts bad to , i know, take something for pain
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