Never in my life have I suffered with headaches but in the last two weeks I have woken up two or tree times with a terrible headache, after about 30 minutes been violently sick. Is it a migraine or someone told me lack of oxygen in the night. My Doctor isn't at all helpful. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Waking with terrible headache - Lung Conditions C...
Waking with terrible headache

Whatever it is Suzy it doesn't sound too good to me. I think you should go again to see your doctor and say the symptoms haven't gone
I know migraines are awful things and can make you sick...but you cannot self diagnose these kind of things
I hope it does not turn out to be anything too serious, but do please see a doctor again
Love Sohara
I do think you need to have this investigated, so please go back to the surgery, and perhaps if it's possible, get an appointment with another doctor. Do take care x
Hi Suzy thats not very nice to have once you have been sick does the headache go?
Im afraid I agree with the others you must seek further advice somethings not right eh? Of course its quite possibly either of those but i would imagine there are other things too it could be.Sorry to be of no help what so ever.Give blf a tinkle on monday they might be able to help and point you in the right direction Suzy.Takecare now Janexx
Morning headaches can point to co2 retention & low oxygen levels during the night I think you need to ask for a referral, you may need to have your blood gases checked at the hospital.
Best wishes
Is your pillow supporting you, that could cause headache. Don't leave it, go back to your doctor and ask him to investigate further.
Hi Suzy,yes please do go the Doctors,something doesn't seem right there.If he doesn't listen,find another one!
Good luck with it,but don't keep on putting up with it! xxx

No Wendells I will make an appointment today but not really up to a fight at the moment. My support, my son, has his own problems at the moment this week. Results of a 24 hour BP monitor and cyst removal from top of his head. He is the forceful one. Hubby useless. xx
Oh dear,do hope things go well for him xxx
Hi Suzy6
Not a doctor but I have had shocking headaches for many years and I also get bad ones on waking or even waking because of them. I have migraines that affect my vision.
I have heart and lung problems one of which has shown I have a low o2 anyway but it drops a further 12.5% when flat. I have scaring to my lungs due to a severe infection and restrictive lung disease but I was informed this week I also have pulmonary arterial hypertension which should be 25mmHg and mine is 47mmHg This is a big cause of headaches and also sleep apnea. All combined it has be diagnose as to why I have not slept well or the last 6 years.
It looks like you will have to be a bit more demanding on getting further tests I did.
hope you get it sorted soon.
Be Well
Hi Suzy, I'd say get a proper diagnosis from a decent doc who does what he's paid to do!
Had bad headaches for a number of years interspersed with migraine attacks which sound like how you describe yours. Excruciating pain rising to a peak at which point I'm sick. The pain begins to subside after this but still feel unwell for some time. I've been diagnosed and prescribed various pills, nasal sprays and anti-sickness medication with only partial success though I'm pleased to say that they're not as frequent as they used to be. Take care x

Lovelight I'm a little cynical at the moment feel that no GP does what they get paid for. Sorry no there must be some. Sounds like mine but takes a fair while to go after being sick. xx
Hi Suzy your GP sounds like my old one about as much use as a ash tray on a motor bike when I get breathless I have to sit down very quick I feel light headed and several times I have fainted when I've not got to a chair this is also due to lack of oxygen getting to the brain
Thank you all for your help and concern. I will phone for an appointment today. I will try for another Doctor in the Practice.but I don't really know any of them. My own Doctor retired a year ago, I was with him for 30 years, and since then been with this new Practice. You are all salt of the earth. Thanks
Do let us know how you get on at the doctors I hope all goes well