Hi. Trying to post this as my profile picture with no success LOL
Profile Picture: Hi. Trying to post... - Lung Conditions C...
Profile Picture

It's a great picture😁 try reducing the size and try again! huff xxx
Thanks for your reply Hufferpuffer. It's not letting me reduce the size x
Hi I presume you have clicked on your name, profile, then edit profile? x

I have tried that Coughalot2 to no avail x
Lovely picture, Gail, and cleverly done.
As you can see from my profile picture I am not the one to give advice!!!
Tee x
(PS You can't add a profile picture using a tablet)
Thanks 1008, LOL I can see that !! I am using a laptop so don't know what the problem is . x
I can't even get the standard, little, round face 🙁
Tee x
When I master it I'll help you ! LOL How does that sound for a plan ? x
Gail!! Look...I did it!!! I'm not a shadow any more 😄😄😄 It is only a bog-standard picture of tulips....but I am real!!
Tee xx
Hello Gail. Are you using an iPhone? If you are then fine but you can't upload from an Android. I tried and failed then read the small print. You can't upload to your profile k e from an Android or a tablet. Only an iPhone or a pc. So, I did it with my pc.
The best of luck,
Cas xx 🐝🐞
Hi Cas, Thanks so much . I am on a pc don't know whats wrong. I thought it was just me as I am technologically challenged LOL My son tried it and he can't get it either . Take good care and thanks again for your help. x
I don't know what device you are working on but you can't edit a profile picture from an iPad only from a computer. That's why I don't have a profile picture!

Hi, I'm on a laptop. Thanks so much for your help. x
Lovely photo Gail. I should leave it as it is, but then I haven't a clue how these things work.
Herllo Gail, what a beautiful photograph of you and your little dog. I use a desk top computer and my photographs are of enormous size unless I edit them. I didn't have a problem uploading. Do you have a des top?

Hi Jennifer-S , Thank you so much . He's my furry baby just love him to bits LOL I have a laptop . Have trued everything but nothing seems to work . Hope your having a wondeful day x
One thing may help Gail. Change the format of your photo to .png and try again. I had to do this after HU lost my original profile and I had to re-apply to join again.
A bit breathless this end - done too much as per. I was going to cut grass but it will keep for another day
Good luck with that. xx
Thanks Anne, He's a Lhasa Apso . Just love him to bits !
I don't know how any of this works but love the dog . Allen