Have just been to re-hab and been told we can now get the "Flutter Devices" on prescription.!!! you just need to ask your GP or nurse,hows that for a bit of good news.
devices: Have just been to re-hab and... - Lung Conditions C...

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Oooooooh thanks for that fishtail :)x Will remember to ask next time I visit my gp's surgery.
your welcome elian,it sure beats paying £50-£60.just to breath.
Can i ask what is a flutter device ? Thank you Lynne

Hi lynne,It looks similar to an old fashioned clay pipe with a ball bearing (about as big as a golf ball) inside the "bowl". When you blow it vibrates the ball which vibrates your chest,which loosens the muck in your lungs,then its easier to cough up,hope Ive explained it ok,believe me it works,Go Get One.
Thank you fishtail will have to speak to my respitory nurse x
I bought one last year if it's the same thing hat you're talking about. A device to blow into to help move gunge.
Lib x
Thanks fishtail have just lately been making enquiries about buying one x
raiz - this is a flutter
Thanks for the heads up fishtail - got mine from the hospital, but good to know for future reference.
Did nothing for me but as I keep reading we are all different so better results for some happen think that is why they do not try them on all cases only the ones that might work saves filling draws up with things that will be useful later maybe.
I am so lucky I have a fantastic respiratory nurse at pulmonary rehab, she gave me the flutter the device it does help. Best of luck with it.
hello fishtail. i have problems with bringing mucus up and have never heard of these. i will ask my doctor as i have an appointment on wednesday. do you have to be at a certain level to get these. for instance do you have to be on oxygen. thank youx
hi natalyab,no you dont need to be on oxygen,just problem shifting the muc,ask your doc.be persistent.good luck.x
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