here we go again, thought I was getting over my chest infection and then BAMMMM take that I feel so rubbish, just got off the phone to the doctor and been prescribed a 3rd antibiotic. How can they diagnose over the phone, I’m so frustrated just want to see a doctor but don’t want to go to A&E been told to try these ones and if not feeling better in a couple of days to ask for a face to face appointment. Been like this since begging of December, just want to feel well again 🤕🤕🤕 why is my chest infection lasting so long
one step forward two steps back - Lung Conditions C...
one step forward two steps back

It sounds as if you haven't been given the right antibiotics or possibly for not long enough. Hope your doctor can at last come up with something that works.
Yes I’d agree with Alberta u were not prescribed the correct antibiotics, hopefully the new ones will make u feel like a new person. Bernardine.
hi Bernardine, I do hope so, I’ve been like this on and off since beginning of December, had two lots of amoxicillin and now I’m on doxycycline so hoping will do the trick. I could do with being a new person, don’t like the one I am at the moment.
Amoxicillin is the basic and cheapest drug for chest infections, but it is not as strong as some of the others. Doxy is much better, IF you are prescribed 2 weeks' worth. A sputum sample will show if you need an even stronger one. I was prescribed Clarithromycin for a bad infection, but couldn't tolerate it- not everybody can. Then I was prescribed co-amoxicillin which I was fine with. Doctors should be finding out which meds suit which people. Best wishes. You've been suffering long enough.
only been prescribed 1 weeks worth, 100mg once a day for seven days on day 5 and still feel like S**t, although the coughing has eased up but I’ve got a cold sore and a mouth ulcer now, it’s just feels never ending. Mind you my anxiety hasn’t helped, it’s way out of control, still I’m going to finish the course and if no improvement I’m going to demand to see a doctor. How can they diagnose over the phone, I’m just so down
I am absolutely not qualified to comment on medical matters, but it sounds to me as if the bugs are not being properly knocked out, so they keep reappearing. Have you had a sputum test to determine what sort of bug it is, so that the appropriate antibiotic can be prescribed. Ask your GP for one.
Hopefully new antibiotics will do the trick. Have you put in a sputom sample as that mighte help with the correct antibiotics. Speedy recovery.
thank you teddyd, I’m really hoping these new antibiotics will do the trick, I’m just so fed up of being poorly
I am the same position. Been ill for about 5 week. Spoke respiratory nurse today. It would appear I now have pleurisy as well as everything else.
oh my goodness, poor you, I had pleurisy a long time ago and it’s horrible isn’t it, get plenty of rest and plenty of fluids, are you on any antibiotics, I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care, sending healing hugs 🤗
agree with teddyd you should ask to send a sputum sample in so they know exactly which antibiotic will work against whatever is going on in your chest… good luck
hi phill, thank you for you reply. I’m hoping these new antibiotics will do the trick, I don’t know how they diagnose over the phone on my third lot of antibiotics and haven’t seen a doctor all been done over the phone. I’m so disappointed with my gps attitude lately, he made me feel like I’m wasting his time
I am sorry you feeling rubbish, I have had the same problem 3 lots of antibiotics and steroids, started end of November and I really feel for you as it is wears you down both physically and mentally. I had my inhaler changed and I think it has helped but still not feeling right. Try and get a docs appt and do the sputum test to check. Hope you feel better soon x
thank you Gladys27, I’ve just started the new antibiotics so hoping they are going to do the trick. It’s been an awful month and it has truely dragged me down, I just feel so unwell and then that trips my anxiety so it’s a very viscous circle I am going to give it a couple of hours and if no improvement I will go to A&E that way I might actually get to see a doctor.
sorry to hear that i'm trying to get hold of Dr too for 3 rx kind antibiotics felt ok for 48 hours and here we go again, it's harder after every infection to fight the next i feel, however gloves on again.
just keep taking your meds inhalers, plenty fluids , and hopefully by the end of this week you'll feel better
hi sutton5, sorry to hear that you are also going through the mill, your so right, I had my first lot of antibiotics and felt a bit better the 2 days later was poorly again, so gave it a few days and was given more antibiotics, finished them and was ok for a week or so and then bammmm. So more antibiotics all without seeing a gp. I do hope you get so medication and please take care many thanks for you well wishes, sending you healing hugs 🤗
Thanks Cimmy you too hope you don the mend soon 🙏😊