Hi All. I take Spiriva and sometimes (too often) I cannot get the pesky capsule to vibrate as I breathe in and as a result it is hard to breathe it in, giving me the impression that I am not getting medication, or at least all of it. On the other hand, when I can give it a good long inhalation it make me feel really good!
Spiriva caps: Hi All. I take Spiriva... - Lung Conditions C...
Spiriva caps

It does not have to vibrate. As long as you've pressed the button on the side and you can suck through the device then you should get the medication.
If you are in doubt, look at the capsule when you finish. It should have a small hole near the top and one near the bottom. If you carefully twist it it should come apart quite easily, it will no doubt be empty.
There is only a very small amount of powder in a Spiriva capsule. Someone suggested you could hear it if you shake the capsule - sorry, but that won't work.
You should change the handihaler annually and make sure the mouthpiece is clean. If it's not working as it should then contact your GP surgery. The initial sucking action should transfer the powder to your lungs quite quickly although I was advised to suck twice to make sure.
Hiya Martin, just caught your comment about spiriva vibrating and wondered if you are on the old style titropium capsules in the egg shaped dispenser?, My doctor moved me onto Spireva respimat, which is the same amount of titropium but dispensed in a mist rather than a powder form.
I was on the old method but had to change to the egg method because my COPD nurse said they were withdrawing it because of problems with it releasing a full dose.
Bev x
I'm also using the respimat tried using the capsule but like you had promlems with it. The respimat is so easy to use could you ask to change for that.
I hate the spirival tablet and much preferred the spray one. The vibration reminds me of the dentist! What I do it while it is still in sheet I bang sheet hard up and down on side of my chair. Sometimes the powder clogs. This helps it unclog. When I put it in machine before I press it down I shake it a couple of times again. Usually that works.
Bev x
Hi Martin, I have been taking spiriva for a number of years.I would say you need to change the 'egg' more than once a year.Was interested in the respimat,& will ask the doc. about it! In my experience, some 'eggs' work better than others.
Good luck Wendells xx
I change my respimat to capsule because i read that one in newspaper(METRO NEWSPAPER) that there is a side effect on the heart..I ask my GP if its possible to change my respimat to capsule again and she agree i give it to her the newspaper and she check it to her computer and she told me that theres no proof yet that there is a side effect...
I did the same as andyuson. Changed mine from mist to capsules as there appeared from research to be a much more likely chance of an effect on the heart. Sometimes when I suck on the inahler with the capsule it does not vibrate also. And I wondered if I had sucked in the powder. It is only a very small amount. A couple of times I have taken the capsule out after sucking the powder in and opened it to see if I had inhaled it all in and yes, each time the powder was gone.
I give my inhaler a little shake and hear the capsule move about before I inhale, I also open the capsule to satisfy myself that it's empty, once it wasn't so I had another one.
Lib x
I could not get on with the capsules and moved to a respimat suits me much better, but each to their own.
polly xx
I use the inhaler but two sucks to make sure. What always puzzles me though is what happens to the bits from the holes because they don't appear to be inside the capsule so where do they go LOL
Sometimes the capsule doesnt work, I have to just throw it away and use a fresh one.
Have been using Spirva for years now and only occasionally has it not 'rattled' - but then we all have good days when we work without being rattled shall pull it apart to check next time
Keep warm fellow sufferers 1
Attempt at smilie faces not worked ! sorry
Trouble with the capsule it looks like tablets I swallow. More than once it went into my mouth - luckily I remembered in time and took it out!
Ask you Doctor about Spirava Respimat. Much easier to use.
I just got a new Handihaler and used it for the first time right now. No rattle and seemed a bit harder to suck for some reason. I looked at it and the button on the die had stuck, the pins were in the capsule but had not come back out. Sure enough, when I unjammed it the thing rattled and was easy to suck, and I did check the capsule after, all the powder had gone.
Someone mentioned the powder getting clogged? This was explained to me as moisture getting in where the bubble pack had been opened. Normally, if the pack is stored as they suggest and you only take one at a time out they should be OK,
The 'bits' that get poked into the capsule when you pierce it are supposed to be caught by the gauze inside the device. I must admit, it's got me wondering too and I'll be sure to look for them next time.