Hi everyone, I have had asthma since childhood and, it seems, now have COPD. I am using inhalers which are helpful. I did smoke but gave up a very small habit 11 years ago. I lived in a home surrounded by smoke as a child and lived in a house with a smokeless fuel fire, which made me much worse, for 16 years and am now worried about the impact all that has had on my lungs. I am 47.
I now live in as safe an environment as possible but the grumblings in the chest are getting slowly worse and am now coughing up muck every day. At the moment my peak flow is stable.
I know there are people much worse than me and it probably seems daft, me worrying but I cant help it. I lost 2 friends, former nieghbours with same heating as I had, to lung cancer in the last 2 years and another friend elsewhere is at this moment in hospital with not long left..
Sorry to start off with this.