Went for my appointment at our local COPD clinic at the doctors surgery(didn`t know until i got the appointment that we had a COPD clinic),anyway I went in,the nurse checked what meds I`m on then she had me do a spiromtry test(hate em cos always think I`m not blowing right!!!) anyway it was brilliant,best ever and I now have a lung capacity of 56% she said that was very likely due to the fact that I quit smoking nearly nine months ago,September last year when I was told I had COPD my lung capacity was down as low as 42% at one point it was only 36%,It means I have gone from being in the severe catagory to the moderate one.
I spent the first 6months of this year on and off steroids and antibiotics due to excacerbations,I thought I would never stop getting them,I was so fed up I asked my specialist took look at anything he might think was causing it,I was convinced I had suddenly developed an allergy to dogs or dog hair,it turned out this was the case and he decided I had asthma aswell as copd,I was on a beta blocker for a heart problem,the beta blocker had helped make me worse as it shouldn`t have been taken if I had asthma,I was put onto a different type of drug for my heart and touch would I`ve not had steroids or an excacerbation since.
The results of my appointment yesterday has made me even more determined to stay well through winter if at all possible.xx