My peak flow is over 500,yet I'm breathless ,can anyone help?
Peak flow: My peak flow is over 500,yet... - Lung Conditions C...
Peak flow
Others who know better than me will be along but my understanding is that peak flow is for astmatics. So that would imply you could have a good peak flow but still have COPD.
I have COPD (measured through spirometry tests) and very slight asthma and my peak flow is about 250 at best.
The BLF could probably advise you.
Lynne xx
I've COPD and Asthma but cannot really use Peak Flow as a measure on it's own as I've no idea which condition is causing the shortness of breath at any one time
When I stopped smoking I had a peak flow of about 450, since then its dropped down to 300 on a really good day but normally about 250.
Have a chat with one of the nurses on the BLF helpline, they should be able to help.

Hi Meg
What condition do you have? Has the breathlessness come on suddenly or gradually?
There are lots of questions we can ask - can you give us a call on the helpline? 03000 030 555.
Best Wishes
I have asthma,tell u tell me the rates if I phone this number,I'm on pension

03 numbers are the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers, many people have them as inclusive minutes on mobiles and/or home phones.
Give them a ring meg_1950 and ask them to ring you back, that way it won't cost you very much
Is it local call charges or a national rate?