I was diagnosed 13 months ago with Emphysema. It was only up till last week that I was placed under the watchful eye of a COPD nurse at my GPs practice. Because it was a 12 monthly review she performed all the relevent tests to see how my condition had been. What she did ask me was did I have a Peak Flow Test Kit at home,I told her no to which she said I should have one to record twice daily these functions. She prescribed one for me and since then I have been recording functions. What I am asking here has anybody else got one of these and what are their recordings Mine are 200- 250 and I should be 618 for my range.
Peak Flow Readings: I was diagnosed 1... - Lung Conditions C...
Peak Flow Readings

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Similar readings to myself. The 'normal' readings relate to age and sex. I attach link to Wright Peak Flow chart which you can browse through and print out. Note it states that there is a normal deviation for 'normal' people (85 for women) so you might find you are not so low as you thought. Personally I only use this if I am feeling really bad as the nurse told me to start steroids when I drop to 150. During the rest of the time I am my own guide to how I feel. I think peak flow is more applicable for asthma sufferers to predict when they may be coming up for an attack.
Sorry I forgot the link..peakflow.com/top_nav/normal...
Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought peak flow tests were for asthma and spirometry tests for emphysema/COPD?

thats my understanding to
My peak flow is around 150-200. I had a letter from my doctor this morning, saying that there changes in my chest (Xrays). I am seeing the respiratory nurse shortly - see what she says. I lost my watch this am, got so breathless looking for it, and found it in a silly place. It had slipped off the bed and fell into my slipper.!!

i got breathless looking for a £20 I lost this morning. Can you check in your slipper for me please ?
Mine are 200-250. 250 is on a good day though.
i don`t have one and never been offered one ,i shall enquire at my next visit
thanx for the replies guys. I am in the process of fiiling in DLA forms at the moment can you give me any guidance or should I open a new post
I bought mine from the chemist but rarely use it. My reading is about 150 - 230. Never higher and yes, it is more for asthma x
mine are 150, have been for the last ten years, i go to the gym three times a week, so you have nothing to worry about. just look after yourself, get plenty of exercise
It's spirometry for my copd no time have they asked about peak flow can this be cleared up by the BLF nurse please
Yes, I have copd, not asthma and I was given a peak flow meter to use, no idea where it is now though! Would rather not know if it gets lower, ignorance is bliss (well, not quite).
hospital tests are for peak flow and spirometry..peak flow is for both asthma and copd my peak flow is 150-185....185 on a good day . they say Emphysema is what I have, Have had that now 15 years ...but if scaring of the lungs is Emphysema then Emphysema is what I have . but over the years on check ups different doctor examine and seem to have confliciting diagnosis.. but they are safe to call it all copd
I have had Asthma for many years so have had a Peak Flow meter for some time and since l have had Spirometry tests for some time too l figure that both tests will give results on condition of Lungs wether it be Asthma or Copd which l have now.My readings were always around the 250 before l had a really bad cold ,at Drs my peak flow then was 180 but then diagnosed with copd ,given up smoking and have just got my peak flow upto 260, if the reading don't help a Dr know whats going on then it helps me.
hi sue, what else did you do to get your peak flow up please, or did it improve that much just from stopping smoking?
Hello adapting , and welcome to the forum. As this thread is an old one you might not receive any response.
I suggest you post a new message with your query which will then be seen by all our current members, who I am sure will offer support and advice.
To submit a new post click here - healthunlocked.com/blf which will take you to the BLF home page where you will see a blue box [write] on the top right of the page. Click on this and follow the instructions.
Best wishes, Annie
I also have c o p d and mine is averaging 200
the reading depend on age, sex and weight mine should be around 500 but is always under 200 i have emphysema
I'm 54 diagonised with copd 3 years ago. Always had asthma but never had to keep charts till now? Last peak flow drs have on record said 350 in 2012 it's now between 150 and 200.
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