has anyone had dealings with ATOS? - Lung Conditions C...

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has anyone had dealings with ATOS?

copder profile image
17 Replies

i have COPD and went for a medical last year and got ZERO points! and was told i am fit for work. i now have another assesment coming up with them after being on ESA for 2 months and i am worried sick i will fail the medical again even though my health has detoriated a lot more in the past 12 months

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copder profile image
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17 Replies
Preshous profile image

I have not long had my medical and suprise suprise I got zero points despite being extremely breathless. All you can do is answer the questions as accurately as you can, and if you can't perform parts of the examination then say so and tell them why. If you can take someone with you into the examination room then all the better. The best bit of advice I can give is never to say "On a good day". If like me you fail then get an appeal in ASAP then get yourself of to see the CAB and they will help you. I wish you luck and don't forget to keep us updated.


Great advice Preshous, always appeal and get the CAB involved. It's not ATOS that award the points, once the assessment has been done all the results go back to the DWP who in turn give everybody 0 points, good luck

lizziec1 profile image

Yes, I found it so humiliating - I was rejected and appealed and won the judge awarded me 18 points!!! The whole thing is a complete waste of government money and more importantly the stress is puts the poor service user under is totally unacceptable.

the whole thing is dodgy - i heard of an old firend of mine who has a rare disease where parts of his body literally drop off - he has lost his fingers but was sent for an ATOS exam!!!

stay it all really

amagran profile image

a local lady had to have her left leg amputated and part of her right foot, she managed to stand for the assessment for a minute by leaning on her wheelchair and was passed as fit for work.

lol...........Lizziec 1

you make it sound like crufts ...............lmao

i know how it goes as i mgot 6 points for my depression and none for my copd !

its just unreal how we are treated by the dhss.....

we not only struggle for breath as it is but we are struggling for everything we should get.

all the best


Preshous profile image

Unfortunately there are 100s of horror stories regarding ATOS medicals and they won't get better anytime soon. Unless we get a government that will listen and take note of the horrendous treatment of our disabled members of the public. We treat animals better. We are rapidly heading back to the workhouse age.

copder profile image

ah well thats really cheered me up guys :-( i can expect the worse then? if i appeal do i carry on getting benefits or do they suspend them till appeal has been heard?

Preshous profile image

When you appeal go straight to the CAB they will give you a stock answer for the appeal you will get paid ESA at the lower rate until the time of the appeal, If you win the appeal you will be paid any arrears in a lump sum.

in reply to Preshous

You actually get paid income support while the appeal is going through. The level is set at the Jobseekers Allowance rate of around 71.00 per week. But if you have a partner who is working you might get nothing.

I have heard that this terrible Government is considering stopping this benefit whilst the appeal is going through. The only benefit you will be able to claim then is Jobseekers Allowance and prove you are looking for work! It just gets worse and worse. x

Hi copder, sorry to hear of your problems with ATOS, I had meeting with ATOS, I told them that I believed I was fit for work, they agreed,they also agreed it would help if I had some support at my place of work, now if I said that I was unable to work, would they have agreed?, simply put NO,the problem is that the governmargent (including the last) have difficulties in understanding the complexities of the need to help people who need it the most. I mean not all people can jump on a train in second class and expect to ride first class !!!. No they would rather close down workplaces like remploy, still this is not helping you, I just fed up with unjustice of the governement hitting the soft and easey targets. I can't give any advice because I have not been where you are now, all I can say is good luck and keep fighting.

Oh dear copder sorry to hear that. All I can do is reiterate that you must appeal no matter how stressful this is. ATOS have to fail a lot of people because of Government targets. I have heard that around 40 pc of appeals are successful.

Good luck with it and let us know how you get on.

Bev x

ur not alone copder, i attended an ATOS medical and got 0 points !! the healthcare nurse said my copd would last 3 months and i would be fit to work in 3 months !! ( that was in march this year ) guess wot ive still got copd . im appealing with the CAB s help but been told theres a 42 wk waiting list . so my advice is to appeal against the desicion ps my FEV1 is 46% good luck mick.

copder profile image
copder in reply to

what a stupid remark for the healthcare nurse to say!!! once you have copd you,ve got it for life!! doesent she know what the word "chroniic" means??

Wile-e-coyote profile image


I too have had the misfortune to have been humiliated by the SS, sorry ATOS.

I also scored a big fat zero, was kicked off of ESA & told me to contact my employers as they considered me fit for work, although they do recognise that I have a disability !

This was all despite me also being signed off work by my GP !

As I'm not used to claiming benefits, due to working all my adult life, I gave in and went back to work.

I was then deemed as unfit to continue in my position at work by the company Doctor, and was given 6 weeks to find an alternative role within the company by my HR.

I have now been given 3 months notice by my employer, and have been retired under the ill health severance scheme.

21 years service down the pan !!!

Please don't make the same mistake................Do not give in !

I can only advise you to try to get your GP & any specialist you are under on side, and fight them tooth & nail !

From what I've seen, most people with our condition will win an appeal if they are duly supported by their health practitioners.

Good luck & Best wishes

Dave xxx

hufferpuffer profile image

The film, Bridge Over The River Kwai , comes to mind ... '' come on, a little bit of fetch and carry hey what???'' I think thats what he said to the men in the so-called hospital, dying of starvation and diseases, this 'test' is a total liberty!!, and I am a lil worried that I will fail somehow on points, and will also fail to make it to the dole without mobility, I feel scared of catching germs and I can't face being in public places any more.I don't think I'm turning into Howard Hughs or anything but I lost a further 7% on my last test and I am concerned the lack of money will mean a cold house again this winter,and losing yet more,everything just seems to be getting harder.

torpointblue profile image

At the time of my visit to this wonderful company (Atos) I was suffering from effects of COPD , Depression and had just had a Heart Attack. surprise surprise I was found FIT ha ha ha . I was a lucky one though. Due to my age I was nearing pension credit qualification . So I appealed and then withdrew that appeal when I got Pension Credit.. I always think that feeling positive and trying to be happy makes you feel better. I suppose I might have given the wrong vibes at the assessment. Just remember this Doctor is NOT your Doctor. He is not there for your benefit ( no pun intended) He is just a tool of government Dont tell them about your good days just the bad ones . The good ones are those they assess you on .

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