Still Awaiting PIP decision as I atte... - Lung Conditions C...

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Still Awaiting PIP decision as I attend ESA Assessment with ATOS today!!!

Jayenne profile image
15 Replies

Well, wish me luck as I attend an assessment with ATOS today for (hopefully) continued ESA. I had my last one with them just over 12 months ago where they deemed I was 'fit for work'. On appeal I won and then applied in June for PIP. I STILL await a decision after the face to face assessment through CAPITA at the beginning of August.

I am seeing my local MP on Saturday to discuss the length of time this is taking for a decision.

I have a chronic lung disease (Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis) and although on medication, struggle daily with breathing and 'light' activities. I am anxious about todays assessment, yet am going armed with reports, etc and a list from my GP of further medical conditions diagnosed within the last few months. I am interested to see what the two separate assessments will result in - even though they will be 6 months apart...!!!!

Jean :-)

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Jayenne profile image
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15 Replies
PositiveThoughts profile image

Good Luck today ..

ostiad profile image

Good luck todayJayenne hope all goes well for you. What an ordeal

Jambo profile image

Good luck jean.fingers crossed for you,it sounds you have everything at the ready,so go give em hell.

I hope it's not so stressful for you.

Jambo x

Carolinee71 profile image

I wish you all the luck in the world. It is not fair that you have to jump through so many hoops just to get the pittance you are entitled too.

Hope it goes well

Gentle hugs xxx

pollyjj profile image

It is so bad that you have to go through this extra stress when you are ill, don't know what the country is coming to.

Hope you get the best outcome today, fingers crossed.

polly xx

Wishing you every success Jean. Will be sending positive thoughts for you today.

Best wishes BC

Positive thoughts from me as well! Wish you the best of British,let us know how you get on,xxx

tigershay1 profile image

Good luck xxx i think it is disgusting how people who have been diagnosed with long term conditions that have negative affect on life have to be put through this stress. Personally the medical profession have the knowledge so why are incompetent unqualified people taking and making decisions on a persons life it should be come from a persons medical team. Rant over wishes x

silversurfer profile image

I wish you all the very best Jean and good luck with the MP.

cumfnum profile image

Good luck with that!

onamission profile image

I wish you all the best of luck as you know I have just been turned down for DLA not only am I severe COPD I have lower back problems. Like you I have contacted my MP please let us know how you got on with Atos and your MP.

casper99 profile image

Fingers crossed for you. When I had my atos tribunal for esa, last April, they gave me 2

years. But, because it had taken almost a year to get the tribunal date, I am having to fill another form in again as it runs out again in July. It's a nightmare. x

Lurcherman profile image

Good luck ;-)))

Jayenne profile image

Thanks for all your messages. Well, I think it went ok compared to the one over 12 months ago. I had to stop half way from the waiting room to the office when called in by the Assessor (who seemed to be a doctor this time rather than the registered nurse last time!) She noted that I was quite breathless and after reading my notes, asked if I was on oxygen at home etc. (I'm not). Overall, I felt that she recognised instantly that I was struggling and emphasised some of the points in the online questionnaire, and at the end virtually said, not to worry, you'll be put in the Support Group (which I am already in!).

Should know within 2 weeks, so I'm hoping she didn't give me false hope... I'd like to think that there are some genuine people out there doing their job properly and fairly for those that are honest...

MP on Saturday, so I'll let you know how it all goes over the next few weeks. Thanks again

Jean :-)

davy147 profile image

Hi all. Ive been waiting for my PIP results for 10 months. Eventually ive got them back today. Unfortunately I've been unsuccessful  The ATOS examiner did NOT include all of my symptoms. He seems too have missed a hell of alot out of the report. He also says I was in the examination for 45 mins when infact it was 15 mins. He also suggested I claim my travel expenses for a taxi fare. He said " I'll say I seen your receipt for this fare". Can anyone please advise me on which route I should take next please. Anything would be much appreciated. Thanks

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