Hi bb 1968 here, mum visiting from spain after my long stay at brompton hospital. It just comes to something when your 70 year old mum has much more stamina than you do. I watched today as she worked in my garden shea amazing. I should be looking after her now not the other way around. Useless just sums it up. Ive always been able to do the garden and manage im just so weak now. Forgive me for such negativity having bad day. Health and happiness to you. Bb
Feeling useless.: Hi bb 1968 here, mum... - Lung Conditions C...
Feeling useless.

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I think at times we all feel like that, you can't help what life has thrown at you it's a case of do what you can when you can. Family understand that they love you they are there for you. Val
Try not to beat yourself up about this. It shows how much your mother loves you and wants to help you. In itself, that's something precious that not everyone has. I am sure there have been times when you have supported her.
I totally get where you are coming from! I was born in the same year as you and have just spent an enjoyable weeks holiday with my 76 year old father who has a variety of serious conditions but still has more energy than me! It took me nearly a week to recover from my visit to him but I have to say he is a lot more understanding of me since I got my diagnosis. I am pleased he has so much energy and he regales me with stories of visits around the world he is doing with his girlfriend!! Having said that they do spend a lot of time going from one cafe to another!!!!
Hang in there
Hi Busybee ,
I know how you feel but don't let it worry you too much . If you have just come out of hospital it will take you a good while to get back into the swing of things , whatever that is for you xx. I have the same feeling every spring after the usual 8 chest infections during the winter , very draining . My husband is 71 and has bags more energy than me ( i am 57 ) . I love gardening and i am sure it helps me to keep as well as i am , i can't dig or do anything too strenuous but i do what i can , in all things i do a bit and rest a bit , but it has taken me 55 years to learn this lol !!.
xxxx Dinny xxxx
BBee Dont apologise for having a bad day we all have them. Take care x
Make the most of your mum! I am sure she worries about you and is happy to do anything she can to help. It's quite normal to feel tired and low when just out of hospital - I always feel wrecked.
Know what you mean though - when we moved to this village two years ago I got to know several ladies in their late 70s (local WI) who have been very friendly and concerned towards me, and they're just great - much fitter than me! (PS: I have regular help with my garden now and hated to need it at first, but now I'm just thankful.)
Keep your chin up!
bb we all get tired and its hard to see parents with more energy than us, and we can get frustrated by it too, its totally natural to feel this way, im yr younger than you and get so fed up with myself not being able to do normal things, we just have to look forward to brighter days and be thankful for what we do have xx
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