So even though we’re into October ( that’s practically Arctic as far as I’m concerned) mum insists we need to go out everyday ! Bottom right - mums enjoying her morning cuppa and gazing out from the wide open door of her “retreat” ( that’s what she calls her shed ) I’m literally shivering but manage to push up under her sweater for a bit of warmth Bottom left and top right - mums gone to do a few jobs in the garden luckily we have comfy seats and our blankets here at base camp and we can keep an eye on mum from the windows TopLeft - home at last ! A full hour we’ve been outdoors ! 10 minutes to check out every inch of the garden for invaders , 5 minutes to pee - this is more Boris’s job than mine - I just squat on the lawn and head for the shed , Boris likes to water several individual plants , and then 45 minutes keeping one eye on mum , which is very difficult when your so tired and really need to close both . We won’t be moving from our settee until the evening meals served ! And we ll have to do all this again tomorrow 😭😭
ITS A DOG’S LIFE ! : So even though... - Lung Conditions C...

Oh my heart ❤️

you’d have a job taking these two on a long walk on a cold morning 😂
i would find a way
Oh you poor things! Bless you both. Keep looking after mum though. Xxxx❤️🥰

love the photos, have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻
Looks like you have the time of your life here👌👍😆 your dogs are adorable
Well I went to work for start at 7 am, after lunch, Head Chef says I have to cut hours, no guests, finish 13 pm! I went 😱🤷🫣
Then I went home, had a bath, washed up and had dinner, same again Friday!
But on the other hand it made a change to finish earlier, less school traffic 🚦🚛🛻🚙🏍️🛵🚛🚚🚜 and on the roads home
Oh no 😱it was on tv last night about the hospitality industry suffering from lack of customers , everyone’s tightening their belts aren’t they I hope things pick up soon but I’m not betting on it 🥲
I work in hospitality and the restaurant I work in is feeling the crunch! Hours cut during the week until Friday..... Saving on gas and electricity as well!
Not to mention we might have blackouts in January and February, great 😰😱🙄😔😏 Job losses across the board ?!!? Thanks Government for screwing us over 😰⛔
I agree It is an absolute mess and set to get worse 😱 I’m always championing positivity but I must admit it’s hard to find anything positive in the situation we’re in . I’m just taking one day at a time - I tell myself today We re warm enough and have enough to eat and pay our bills , I don’t look beyond next week , but listening to the news there seem to be many people already in dire situations and not able to do all of the above 😥.
yes I know and sadly someone incompetent messed this all up in 24 days of ..... It's heartbreaking! Had letter to inform me that my rent is going up £50! It hit the hardworking people sadly
The working class , especially those with rent/ mortgages and children to keep weren’t rolling in money before the pandemic then jobs were lost , hours cut etc and now the powers that be think people can just pull £50 plus out of mid air 🤦🏻♀️ It just beggars believe ! My energy bills paid on DD were £72 per month less than two years ago they’re now £180 and I would guess my pension as risen by less than £10 per month - how does that make any sense 🤷🏻♀️ Tbh my house is paid for and I don’t have children to keep I just feel so very sorry for those who do -but chin up they can’t throw all of us in gaol for non payment and if they do we get fed and free gas and electricity 😃😂xx
Thats what we do at present live week to week which is right for us.
The poor beasties, it must be exhausting, all that activity 😂 Beautiful dogs and I’m glad to see you don’t spoil them in any way at all😄
So cute
thats brilliant and having had a frenchie for 6yrs I feel your pain🐕🦺🤣
Love it!
We also have two dogs, schnoodles. They have very different personalities. Freddie would sit in the garden all day, every day, whatever the temperature, as long as it isn’t raining. Alfie won’t go out unless absolutely necessary and he hates being cold. He usually sleeps on his bed in our bedroom, but he’s already started sleeping on our bed even though it’s not cold yet!
😂 Some dogs are just very good predictors of the changing seasons . I must admit Boris is less bothered by the cold than Belle but they’re both built for comfort - snuggly blankets for cold weather and not too much exercise , paddling pool for warm weather and not too much exercise 😂
A bit of a snuffle round the garden, morning essentials, food in a bowl and a loving cuddle. What more to be asked for…
Aww love them so cute 😍
Hah diddums but your mistress is very talented doing a photograph montage giving you all that public exposure. I hope you appreciate her more than you seem to , you look to have a pretty good life to me.
Very happy pups.
I love them to bits. Such good babies. xx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
lovely post that made me smile bless you.