Feeling a bit down : I’m feeling a bit... - Lung Conditions C...

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Feeling a bit down

madonbrew profile image
58 Replies

I’m feeling a bit down and sorry for myself ...lol, do you ever have those days?

I’m trying to fill out PIP form and you know when you’re writing your worst day scenario. Frustrated too cos I’m still struggling to breathe with the step up of my inhalers although my Peak flow is improving. I’m not bad enough for hospital but need steroids. Will ring GP tomorrow.

Sometimes it’s an accumulation of lots of things isn’t it! My mum in her own Parkinson’s world forgetting that anyone else might struggle with stuff too.

Sorry...just needed to waffle!

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madonbrew profile image
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58 Replies
sassy59 profile image

You’re not waffling madonbrew and it’s good to chat. Pete has off days as do l especially with this virus still around.

I think things come to a head in the end but we somehow manage to carry on. I’m sure your mum has her struggles so forgets you have different struggles of your own but that’s how it goes sometimes.

Good luck with PIP. Stay safe. Xxxxx

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to sassy59

Thank you Sassy! It is weird with this Covid around isn’t it. I just wrote on another post how it’s hard not being able to have face to face contact with people. It just makes trying to get things sorted so much harder.

I am mums carer which is fine...we get on well mainly! It’s just today I’m struggling for breath and just want someone to understand how exhausting it is when you just need a proper breath and can’t get it.

Thank you for listening!

Dee xxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to madonbrew

I’m happy to listen anytime Dee. You take care xxxx😘

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to sassy59

Aww thank you!!!

Hope you and Pete are keeping well with?!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to madonbrew

We’re doing well so far thank you. Xxx

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to sassy59

That is good to hear!!!

I’m quite relieved the weather had cooled a bit. I love the sun but it’s not been helping with the breathing!!!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to madonbrew

Pete did struggle in the heatwave but he’s ok. Xxxx

JaneChapple profile image
JaneChapple in reply to sassy59

So sorry your feeling down. Ive been the same lately as seem to hsve to fight for everything regarding heslth! Just had a run in with 4 year assessment for son. I couldnt get socument out of surgery even though it was information I passed to them with doc saying its confidential between her and ESA! The phonecalls I had to make! Got the form another way and it was illegible. Even the chap at the Disabilities place said they had trouble deciphering it. Can you get help with your PIP form via Citizen's Advice? . I had terrible time fillimg out ESA for son and was thoroughly fed-up by the end of it. This pandemic is not helping either.

Hope you feel better soon.

Take care and keep safe.


madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to JaneChapple

That’s what I’m finding hard...having to fight so hard for everything atm!

Hug for you! 🤗

I’ll ring cab to help.

Take care too!

Maricopa profile image

Yes, I have those days. Some days my kids are on my mind & I feel hurt that they don’t seem concerned. My situation seems to be out of sight out of mind. I guess that’s how it is with kids. It’s certainly a far stretch from those adoring little munchkins clinging to my leg once upon a time. Then I force myself to do anything that takes that memory & those thoughts away!

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Maricopa

Aww Maricopa! I understand...well, not about the kids exactly as I don’t have any, but the feeling of hurt when people/family are not concerned! I find it a bit lonely sometimes.

Maybe sometimes it’s difficult for our families to deal with and see. I think sometimes my mum just doesn’t know how to respond so she goes into her ‘ I’m more needy ‘ mode. It drives me mad sometimes but I just have to try deal with it. A change of company helps! Even just a quick coffee with a friend!

Sending you hugs 🤗!

Dee xxx

Katinka46 profile image

So sorry you have a rough time and a bad day. But I feel from the way you have written that it is a blip, an occasional mood that happens. So tomorrow is another day. Well done for caring for your mother. She is very lucky.

All the best

Kate xxx

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Katinka46

Thank you Kate! That is totally true! Tomorrow is a new day!! A fresh start!

It’s mainly fine looking after my mum... I think it’s just been a bit more difficult with lockdown, not having outside company. But gradually I am trying to meet up with some of my friends for a socially distanced coffee &chat!

Thank you for taking the time to reply 😊

Dee xxx

CDPO16 profile image

Heck yes. Been down and feeling sorry for myself all weekend.

A recent flare up ( which invloved hospitalisation) has left me with much worse breathlessness in spite of a truck load of medication. I hope that you are able to avoid hospital and manage your current problems at home with the help of your GP.

I spent most of yesterday afternoon completing a PIP review form. In itself exhausting, as I'm sure you found.

It must be hard for you being a carer too. I remember when I was a carer for my mum many years ago that she tended to turn a blind eye, so to speak, to my deteriorating health, which, looking back, I can understand as she struggled to cope with her situation.

It is, as you say, often a build up of little things that get to us, all of which we would have taken in our stride when fit and well. Certainly being isolated due to covid doesn't help at all, especially having to sort most things out by telephone instead of face to face.

Hope you feel better all round soon. Best wishes x

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to CDPO16

Oh no...sorry to hear you’ve been in hospital! It’s hard like you say, when you’re still breathless even with a truckload of meds! Just to breathe! Really hope you start feeling better soon!

Yes...it’s understandable when people have their own health problems...my dad isn’t great either so she worries about him too. I guess it all gets a bit much for her sometimes!

Was nice...I just had a good catch up with my friend on WhatsApp & had a giggle which was good!

Thank you and everyone so much for your lovely replies! It’s such a blessing being on this forum! You all really helped make my day nicer!!! 🤗🤗🤗

Dee xxx

That PIP form is the worst for bringing any one down, its awful facing up to it all which is what that form does. Just do a page at a time and stop for a distraction when it gets too much. I wonder if CAB are open for business yet, they could help you fill it out.

Looking toward the end of the process and wishing you well with your application.

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to

Thank you Bkin...it certainly is a nightmare form to fill out isn’t it! And like you say, facing up to it all! Actually I will ring CAB as I rang them just before getting my form & they said ring when I’ve got it so I’ll do that tomorrow.

Thank you for your encouragement!!!

Hope you’re keeping well!


Robin67 profile image

Hi struggling with COPD i think we all have bad days. Things have got worse since being told you can't go out. I have put on weight and find i want to sleep a lot due to the weight and not enough exercise. Even though we can go out now i find i only want to go places where there is very few people as i can't breathe with a mask and have tried a face shields but still struggle to breathe.

I am trying to get my self out of this funk but finding it hard.

My husbands family don't understand that i can't just go for a long walk and struggle more on wet days. My mother in law is late 70's and does zumba and my sister in law is a gym freak.

I find when im struggling with medication the respiratory team at the hospital help more with advice as they are trained in this field.

Good luck hope your feeling better soon xx

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Robin67

It’s difficult when family don’t understand!

Being isolated is definitely quite tricky! And some people think we’re having a ball!

wheezyof profile image

Hi there,

Sounds like you have reasons enough to cause an off day. Let's hope you have a few up days to lift your spirits.

Have a hug xxx

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to wheezyof

Thank you for your kind words!

Everyone has been so kind!

Jandm profile image

Everyone needs to have a ‘me’ moment because with all the will in the world, sometimes things become too much. I dare say we have all felt like that and all will again. We just have to remember that it doesn’t last 😃

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Jandm

Thank you! Tomorrow is a new day hey!!!


Caspiana profile image

Hello dear madonbrew . I understand completely when you feel like there is no end in sight to the rough patches. It can be so very dispiriting, tiring and plain frustrating. Have a think back to the last time you had a really nice day. And remember those kinds of days will come back, sometimes it takes more time that's all. Thank you for sending me a lovely message even when you were feeling down. It means a lot to me. Take care my friend. *HUG* xx 🌿🥀🌸🌿🌱🌷🌻🍀🌱🍃🌷

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Caspiana

Thank you Cas!!! It’s so good to hear from you!!! I was worried!

I think I really simply just need a hug...a physical one! My family don’t do hugs with each other, and because of social distancing even you can’t give your friends one 😢 and vice versa!

But everyone’s kind responses is feeling like a hug 🤗 which is meaning so much!

And that is true! Those lovely days will come back!!!


shouty profile image

Oh yes those days when it all feels too much. I think we are living in strange times & that doesn't help. You can be kind to yourself as we are allowed off days & by telling folks about it does help & you feel less alone. À few words from people here on the Forum can give you strength to keep going. Hope today is easier for you

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to shouty

Thank you lots for your kind words! They certainly do give strength and help you keep going!

Sorry to hear your having a bad one - & best of luck with your PIP application, hope it all goes smoothly! Xx

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to

Thank you Lizthebiz!

Bronchi1 profile image

Yup....I have days like that especially in winter when my health is more of an issue and I can feel very isolated.

My strategy is this:

Pamper myself

Keep busy

Read good book

Watch a film

Hold on to what I can do and be positive about it

Join adult education class

Do exercise

Stroke the dog

Look after plants

Talk to those I love and trust

Sort photos

Other things you can do are:

Talk to chest heart and stroke helpline or Breatheasy

Go for a walk

Write a blog

Join a campaign

Joun a local respiratory group

Volunteer (that could be admin at home or phonecalls)

I'm sure there is much more out there.

Good luck...x

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Bronchi1

I love that! That’s some brilliant suggestions!!! I play the piano...well getting much better since shielding & it’s always a nice way to escape for a bit! Painted my toenails & went for dinner with my sis this evening!

Bronchi1 profile image
Bronchi1 in reply to madonbrew

Glad you liked that. Learn a new instrument? Playing piano is soothing. Listening to the radio is good too. Talking books is another option. Zoom has brought a lot of people together. Somebody on here organises zoom chats. Video conferencing in case you dont know.

Steveb4257 profile image

Hi Madonbrew, As if being ill isn't enough the forms we have to fill in might as well be in Chinese, we all have good days and bad ones, as a few have said CAB are the ones to see they were fantastic with me helped immensely with the PIP form stay safe and well and good luck.

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Steveb4257

Thank you! Lol...they may as well be in Chinese 😂😂😂

Vibraphone profile image

My husband used to work in a disability rights capacity and he said many claimants fail to express their difficulties fully. Good luck with your pip.

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Vibraphone

Thank you!

Response profile image

Had one of those yesterday too - (mother's serious illnesses as usual had to come ahead of personal mental health and limits of human endurance - All of us with real experience understand what you're going though - it's normal in your circumstances). I think those long government forms don't help.

The good thing is everything changes - usually after a good night's sleep. Hope you feel better mentally and physically later today or tomorrow.


madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Response

Thank you Helen! I’ve got steroids now so should help!

I don’t mind caring for my mum...I’m happy to do it, but I just need some days to have my own moments to just be me,Dee. Just do something fun without worrying she’s gonna fall every time she goes anywhere, or having to find her walking stick for her every 2 minutes. Just more challenging when you yourself can’t breathe well isn’t it!

But like you say, things change & tomorrow is a fresh day! 😊

Look after yourself too! Dee x

judes profile image

Filling in a PIP form is enough to get anyone down they are awful. Remember to put your worst day on the form, which in itself can make you feel low.

We all have good days and bad days, today could be bad, tomorrow will be good. Telling people how you feel is good, a problem shared is a problem halved.

Love and hugs


madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to judes

So true...a problem shared is a problem halved!

Made me think of Winnie the Pooh & his wise friends!!!

I’ll write my worst day!

Thank you and take care!

pc49 profile image

Try joining Works and Benifits on line for help to fill out your pip form,don't let it get you down as the form seems designed to do just that.

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to pc49

Thank you. I’ll take a look!

Kimlu profile image

Hi sweetie, sorry you're low at the moment. I've just done my PIP form - taken me 3 weeks and I'm exhausted, found I did better when I did a couple of questions a day but I kept putting it off. You'll get there my lovely - keep your chin up and have a nice cup of tea. Take care and be kind to yourself xxxxxx

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Kimlu

Hi Kimlu,

Glad you got your form done! It’s knowing how to answer isn’t it, to cover the problems! Like the ‘how far can you walk?’ Well I’m wheezy all the time and have a billion inhalers & tablets just to breathe but I keep going and look mostly normal 😂😂😂😄...depending who you ask!!!

Aww thank you! Think I’ll ring CAB to help me. My consultants...am under 4 different consultants between 3 hospitals, have written me letters so hopefully that will help too!

Really hope you get the help you need!


Grandmatojack profile image

I’m also having one of those days today. Think I’m going stir crazy with the lockdown. Haven’t been out since January. Just had a phone call from Wythenshawe hospital ventilation to say I will be having a telephone consultation tomorrow between 9.30 and 4.30 so hopefully will feel better by then. I’m also struggling with breathing today more than usual. Let’s hope we both feel better tomorrow.

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Grandmatojack

Really hope your appointment goes well& that breathing soon feels easier!

I just got steroids but will start them tomorrow after blood test because I don’t want them to affect the result.


Ladyindistress79 profile image

I think all of us, whether we admit it or not, are having days like these at some point. Being so isolated is not good for any one And we are bound to get depressed. Do not keep it to yourself and get help wherever you can. Good luck.

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Ladyindistress79

Yes being isolated isn’t good long term hey!

Hope you are doing ok through it all!

Dee x

TG58 profile image

We definitely all feel it so don't feel your a burden on anyone here, I'm fairly new to this group but I have quickly learnt we are all here for each other, I had my go a couple of weeks ago, lol, I went back to work and I honestly think a lot of people there thought I was having a ball sheilding for 4 months, they have no idea what it's like when your struggling to breathe, it's one of the worst feelings I have ever experienced, it really does get you down. I just always try to think to myself I know their are people on this group who have it much more worse than I do, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, I am slowly coming to realise it really is the nature of lung desease, a few good days and a few bad days, nothing seems really consistent with it. I do hope you feel better soon, try and keep your chin up and try to stay positive. Take care ☺️

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to TG58

Thank you TG58! People have no idea what it’s like not being able to breathe do they unless they’ve experienced it! I got prednisolone from dr today& even my sister this evening just said ‘you don’t need to take them though do you?!’ I nearly choked on my drink and thought ‘No, I love steroids for fun! For the crazy glucose levels, the acne, the moon face....!’

Hmm, work colleagues who don’t understand! They should be grateful they have good enough health that they didn’t need to be shielded in the first place!

madonbrew profile image

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments and support!!! I feel really blessed by you all& it’s definitely helping cheer me up! 🤗😊🌈❤️

Becky130777 profile image

I can understand in the current situation you are feeling down. I think a lot of us are shielding or at least being more careful out and about and it’s hard to get back to any kind of normality. Hope your breathing gets better soon. I think the cooler weather will definitely help x

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Becky130777

Thank you Becky 🙂 I have steroids now, although will start them tomorrow as I have a blood test to check my IgE/eosinophil in the morning and I don’t want the pred to affect it.

There’s lots going on I guess hey! My consultant ...not asthma one, said he doesn’t want me to go back to my workplace so I’m also currently unemployed. Just trying to get everything sorted.

Hope you are ok during these crazy times!

Profil123 profile image

if i can just give a bit of advice try and photo copy it for next year , it is hard having to put in writing your worst days , but once its done its done , wishing you well , difficult times we are going through 🌹x

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Profil123

Oh yes, that’s a good idea! Will do that

Angelagone profile image

That PIP form is enough to reduce anyone to a gibbering wreck. Took me a week to fill in mine. Best tackled in little bits I found. I do hope your application is successful and you are feeling brighter soon.

madonbrew profile image
madonbrew in reply to Angelagone

Thank you! 😊 Lol...they’re quite bad forms aren’t they!

Hope you get/got yours too

Angelagone profile image
Angelagone in reply to madonbrew

I actually got mine at the MR stage having failed initially by a couple of points. Complete mystery why they did about face and awarded me lower level of both components ! The only extra evidence I included was a letter written by my daughter. If you dont get it , it is always worth appealing.

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