Just wanted to say, what lovely people there are on here, you have restored my faith in humans, after reading your replies to my question, for the first time, in a very long time, I actually cried.
Thank you so much for your replies, and Zoee, sorry if I offended you, using the term "gang" I really did mean it in the nicest possible way.
Just like to add, after weeks and weeks of having my spirometry test booked, on each occasion it couldnt be done due to infection, this went on what seamed like forever, eventually, my GP did one anyway, as she said we couldnt keep waiting like this, the results she explained, showed 2 complications, (whatever that means) she did try to explain, but it went well over my head. Again, thankyou all. This site has become a way of life for me now, and I check it every day, like I would when the postman comes. simply brilliant.