Love is blind so they say...I read a news report about a bloke described by his 'fiancée' as a 'kind and loving Father to their child'...he was found dead after being beaten up.
He was H.I.V. positive and five years ago deliberately bit a policeman who then had a gruelling six month wait to see if he also had H.I.V....he had a police record a mile long, which included assault, drunkenness and selling drugs...the fiancée refused to allow him in her home because 'he could change when he had been drinking'...something she did right then...but she's weeping and wailing and gnashing her teeth because everyone is saying he was a total waste of space and quite forgetting how wonderful he was with their three year old.
Seems to me that the three year old has had a lucky escape...with a role model like that for a Daddy.