Hi, could anyone tell me if they have had problems with the swine flu jab. As I my claim with the Vaccine Damage Unit is now going to Tribunal.
This is what happend to me.
I went form work on the 11th of Jan 2010 to have my Asthma review, I had that and all was well no problems.
At the end of the review I was given the swine flu jab ( one jab only not the three jabs ) and went home, they did say I might get stiff arms and might feel unwell over the next few days. Buy the Thursday my arms were stiff and I did feel unwell and breathless.
Just thought this is normal as they said, Sunday came and I decided to go to hospital, I had been to hospital before and had a nebulizer but was never admitted this time they said they would keep me in for a few days. That was Sunday the 17th of Jan 2010 buy Monday the 18th of Jan 2010 I was blue lighted to Kinsgmill Hospital put on ICU requiring ventilation with type two respiratory failure. During this time I suffered a myocardial infarction (NSTEMI ) my echocardiogram has confirmed severe hypokinesia of the basal inferior septal wall of the left ventricle and an estimated ejection fraction of 50% with no chamber enlargement ( before this I had no heart problems and was working full-time ). Now I can not work at all and can not have a flu jab as it contains swine flu both my Doctor and respiratory consultant Dr Noor have said my next infection may well be my last.