back from our walk, but despite my saying I would take my camera, I forgot it. My short term memory is like a sieve, but with holes in it. needless to say my wife had her iphone, so all is well.
We came across this little chap who kindly posed for us, the as a result of torchlight and flash, closed his eyes and settled down.
I don`t remeber seeing quite so many toads around here. Mild winter perhaps, as only the occasional frost with temp down to about -7, not cold for here, when in the past we`ve had as low as -17! Not fun when we had to fetch water for our horses as well as ourselves. Thankfully, where we lived at the time the village spring remained in full flow. The oldest residents, close on 100 had never seen it run dry. Wonderful drinking water from local source up the hill from the village.
Cup of tea then nearly time for the land of nod, Chris.