Buying Our Cottage Brought Surprises - Lung Conditions C...

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Buying Our Cottage Brought Surprises

32 Replies

We didn't much care for this cottage when we first saw it...the 'garden' at the front was so terribly over-grown that the windows were hidden behind long grass and unruly shrubs...the roof was covered in clumps of bright green moss and baby trees were growing out of the guttering.

But the estate agent was determined. The gate to the yard was locked with a huge padlock so he clambered over it in his best suit and his shiny shoes and said he'd open the front door to let us in.

The back door was open but the front one wasn't, so we climbed over the gate as well and were met by a wilderness of trees and undergrowth...right in the middle there was movement...two small ponies emerged and whinnied a greeting... the poor agent flapped his hands about and said Shoo! Shoo! which they interpreted as 'this man has Ginger Nut biscuits in his pocket...our favourite sort' ...I bribed them with Polo Mints I found lurking at the bottom of my handbag and they ate those then wandered off again...

I took one look at the hearth in the sitting-room and practically wrote out a cheque for the asking price there and is enormous. It has a great curved stone over the actual hearth and inside was the original crane with the hooks for the pots...the walls were grimy from years of turf smoke...the ceiling was plain awful...deep dark brown from smoke and the rather odd, thick brown paint that was all the fashion about a hundred years ago...the windows were sash but they'd lost the cords long past and we needed a hammer to open them once we moved in and then they had to be propped open otherwise they shut with a bang...taking your fingers with them if you weren't careful.

The floor in the sitting room was a thin layer of badly worn that the original earth floor was showing through...but there was an impressive hearth stone or flag and another by the back door.

There was rudimentary electricity in the sitting room but not in the other three kitchen as piped water, but for an outside tap...and no bathroom.

We loved it.

Our first cottage was already sold...we'd 'done it up' and it sold within six weeks of putting it on the market, so we had the money, with enough left we thought at the buy this one.

And that is what we did.

It wasn't until we'd moved in that we ventured down the back and found the river runs through our land...then we discovered what looked like another half was used for the hens...the other part was for the pig. The hen part has the original beams cut straight from the hedgerow...and nesting places in the walls. The pig side has a little fireplace and is surrounded by a stone wall...there are flags on the floor both inside and out

There are stone steps leading down to the water in the river...and a big enough field at the side...surrounded by massive Horse Chestnut and Beech trees, for our donkeys...we only had the two at that time.

It was only a day or so before the neighbours began to call...and they told us about Mikey who used to live here and how he washed in the river and his sisters who went to Americay and how once upon a time all the fields behind us belonged to this cottage and people would bring their hay across the wooden bridge and on through our yard...out to the street and away to their own homes and small farms...

They told of tickling for Trout in the river when they were children and Marie confided that she used to wash John's nappies in the river and hang them in the barn to dry before she and Hubert had enough money to put the water in the house...Marie is twenty years younger than me.

Some could remember their parents telling of when Douglas Hyde...the First President of Ireland...would come in his horse and trap to sit by the hearth fires and speak the Irish with the small farmers and he came here to our home to talk with Mikey's parents.

Our tiny cottage is full of ghosts of the past...kindly spirits who whisper tales of unmade roads and deep wells holding sweet tasting water...of Grouse Moor and the wild Swans who fly in each winter...of the unearthly cries of the young Long Eared Owls who fly by night and the brief glimpses of the way it used to be.

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32 Replies

You made for the same spot as I would the hearth of the cottage this has always been the center point of family life when I lived in Ireland with my parents and being the smallest always slept on a shelf in the warm press you sure can get a young old man dreaming of his home again Vashti thank you for your stories may you be able to write more and may the years treat you kindly I wish you and himself a safe and Happy Christmas and an even Happier New Year.

in reply to

Did you really sleep in what I call the hot press must have been cosy and warm.

in reply to

I sure did Vashti my elder brother and I, I was amazed that there was room for the two of us but we were the most envied in the family when my father came across to England and we followed later it was cold bedrooms that had ice on the window every year. As I was almost sickly as a child I slept most of the time in the sitting room by the Yorkist range we did have something that could only just pass for a hot press but my parents never used it.

pergola profile image

You have a gift, vashti, for making things come really alive, so much so, I feel I am looking over your shoulder. xxxx

in reply to pergola

Thank you Pergola...don't forget to answer PM when you've a minute?

jimmyw123 profile image

hi vashti, although i've said it before, you most definitely have a gift in writing, i was there, could see it, smell it,, even knew the history of it , when you mentioned it,,

great work put together in almost"verse" thanks :) , regards jimmy xxx

in reply to jimmyw123

Thank you Jimmy...I'm pleased you enjoyed reading it

Wow what a history your home has. No wonder you fell in love with it. x

in reply to

It was the hearth...once we saw that we were smitten!

Another fascinating story, keep them coming Vashti x. Joyce

in reply to

Writing as fast as I can

ostiad profile image

Hi vashti, I know I've said before, how I love your 'way with words'. You are kindly sharing your life with us, making it sound exciting and intriguing; you are a great story teller. Thank you, June

in reply to ostiad

I'm so pleased you enjoy reading June...thank you

delilah profile image

Wonderful Vashti, That lost world might have been difficult to live in when the elements were against you but such a delight on gentle days.


in reply to delilah

I bet it was a darn sight warmer years ago when you could wear a thick shawl without looking odd!

Another lovely one Vashti Xx

in reply to

You're welcome!

Thank you Vashti for sharing your cottage with us, I feel I have visited you and seen it for myself. Take care, Xris

in reply to

And thank you Xris...xx

jeanielee profile image

Wow lots of pics please ...before and after it sounds absolutely fascinating .It must have been a tremendously hard life back in the day,but your story made me feel very wistful.

in reply to jeanielee

I should imagine it was hard enough...

sassy59 profile image

I have an image of your lovely cottage in my head vashti and I can see why you would really enjoy it and want it. You do paint an amazing picture and I bet you have made the cottage your home and it is a very good and happy place to be. xxx

in reply to sassy59

It is a happy home certainly...not sure whether I'd describe it as lovely though 'cos it's a bit of a hodge-podge!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Hodge-podge is fine but it is lovely if you and himself are happy there. xx

cornishlady profile image

Wonderful !! You paint pictures with words xx

in reply to cornishlady

Thank you...that's a lovely comment to make!

I'd love to see some pictures of your lovely home and surroundings Vashti, if that's not too intrusive.

Once lived in a farm cottage, accessed by means of a track and two cattle grids. It was quite bleak but I loved my home and large sprawling garden. No near neighbours except for the cows and sheep and plenty of wildlife to study - bliss :) Lovelight x

in reply to

It's the peace and quiet which we love...our neighbours are only a field away but they're quiet as well!

redted profile image

Absolutely amazing,whatever you write just comes to life,and it is as if we are there with you, did you ever take any before and after piccies,I bet it would just be so great to see all the hard work you have done.

DOLLYJASPER profile image

Nice story Yashti I wonder how the fish reacted to having nappies washed in their habitat?

warwickstag profile image

Probably delighted. As a keen angler I can confirm that fish will eat anything within reason, the smellier the better. Tight Lines.

Azure_Sky profile image

How did the ponies, pigs, chickens and other creatures survive before you got there?

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